The details of a controversial road closure that will affect a West Berkshire village for nearly a year have been confirmed.
A community musical, a holiday kid’s club and a Country and Western concert are just a few of the things happening in your area this week.
Campaigners and charities are urging Hampshire County Council to halt cuts to bus passes for disabled and older people.
A councillor has asked “Will it take a death before the authorities take action?” after an A34 closure caused traffic chaos in a local village.
Member of Newbury’s Indian community came together this month to celebrate Saraswati Pooja, a festival in honour of the Hindu goddess Saraswati.
Police have made an arrest after officers responded to a report of an individual with a weapon in Hungerford.
Two grandchildren of Ruth Saunders will be running the Paris Marathon together in her memory while raising money for a Newbury community centre.
Another of Newbury’s town centre pubs is seeking a new landlord to take over its management.
St Gabriel’s School recently hosted its annual maths challenge, welcoming more than more than 20 teams of gifted Year 5 pupils from local schools.
A homeless charity has been given a temporary reprieve - and will not find itself homeless next month as it first thought.
An organisation comprising all the churches in Tadley said that it contributed over £160k worth of volunteer time to the local community last year.
Mary Cameron, the mother of former Prime Minister David Cameron, has died at the age of 92.
Hampshire’s fire service has been wrangling with a budget gap that it’s now bringing under control–but it will hike council tax by the maximum amount.
A village post office and shop has been recognised for the work it has done to serve the community over the last decade.
A brass band concert, a fundraising dance-a-thon and a bingo night are just a few of the things going on in your area this week.
The government has announced that Hampshire and the Solent region will be part of the devolution fast-track initiative.
Newbury residents have had their say on the new proposals to redevelop Newbury’s Kennet Shopping centre.
A man has been jailed for eight weeks after pleading guilty to smashing a car window and stealing dog food and £20 in cash from inside.
A former secondary school headteacher ran 60 miles over two days to celebrate his 60th birthday and has raised over £2,400 for charity in the process.
Hampshire County Council’s request to increase council tax by 15 per cent has not been approved by the government.