Biscuits, fruit bars or puffs made for babies and toddlers can contain 'alarming' amounts of sugar a study into 73 children's snacks has found.
A seaweed-based animal feed diet for cows is being investigated as part of efforts by a supermarket to have more climate-friendly cattle.
Can you get your money back for a day out, concert, show or event you have to cancel this Christmas because you, or a family member, catches Covid-19?
Searches for Christmas Eve boxes are on the up as families start their festive plans - but does the trend add to the magic or pile on the pressure?
A super-charged solar storm and clear skies are creating the perfect conditions this week to see the Northern Lights from right here in the UK.
St John Ambulance, which expects more people than ever to attend private fireworks events, has released some first aid advice ahead of Bonfire Night.
An avian flu prevention zone has come into force across the UK as government officials take steps to contain outbreaks of bird flu.
At the start of Diwali celebrations, the Treasury has unveiled a new £5 coin to mark the life of Indian independence campaigner Gandhi.
Aldi will give away surplus food this Christmas to families in need and here's how groups and charities can now apply:
Toy experts have revealed the top 12 toys, available to buy this Christmas, that they think will be this year's must-have items.
Royal Mail, which today unveiled its Christmas stamp designs, says people should shop online and post cards early to avoid delivery disappointment.
More than 30 mince pies have been taste tested by Good Housekeeping judges looking for the best on offer this Christmas, but who came out top?
Cases of new variant AY4.2 are rising rapidly in England but what do we know already about the new Delta strain?
'My parrot destroyed it' are among the unusual reasons drivers have given the DVLA when asking for a replacement registration certificate.
Motorists could save £700 a year by changing how they drive, say experts, who suggest more thought must now be given to environmental footprints.
As Olivia and Oliver are named the most popular names for 2020, analysis of baby name data since 2001 paints a different regional picture.
Drivers flouting the law and driving in closed motorway lanes can now be picked up by new auto-detection cameras with fines and points for offenders.
Road repairs must focus on residential and rural streets says the AA, as councils face £400m pothole blackhole.
The value of old paper car tax discs is now at an all time high, say collectors, with some fetching more than £1,000.
A single ticket holder could become Britain's biggest ever lottery winner if they were to scoop tonight's record-breaking £184m Euromillions jackpot.