On Wednesday, January 16 (7.45pm), you can experience the essence and spirit of what it must have been like to see the young ‘King’ perform, in Taking…
Douai's traditional New Year's Eve concert at 3.30pm on Monday will be given by The Rodolfus Choir under their conductor, Ralph Allwood and the programme…
Currently showing their work at The Newbury gastropub in Bartholomew Street are local artists Jo Derczynska, Valentina Tikhonova, Sharon Perris, Betony…
Nineties pop icon and Noughties champion of roots music Cerys Matthews plays to a full house at Arlington Arts tomorrow night (Saturday) in Cerys by Candlelight.…
Aldermaston’s 56th York Nativity Play from the XIV Century Mystery Cycle will be performed next week at St Mary the Virgin Church, between Thursday and…
A Christmas Carol – As told by Jacob Marley (deceased), adapted and performed by James Hyland presents the well-loved tale from the perspective of Scrooge’s…
Arlington Arts director Tony Trigwell Jones has announced the cancellation of Saturday's Rainbow Chasers gig. He said: "At 10.15 this morning the Rainbow…
A Christmas Carol – As told by Jacob Marley (Deceased), adapted and performed by James Hyland presents the well-loved tale from the perspective of Scrooge’s…
Ashley “The Guv’nor” Hutchings, founder of Fairport Convention, Albion Band and Steeleye Span performs with his latest outfit The Rainbow Chasers at Arlington…
Here Comes the Boom (12a)Running time 105 minutes Rating:***When schools find themselves a little short of ready cash, the answer – sometimes – is to…
The cream of the Corps of Army Music's orchestral players will be performing at Arlington Arts, Snelsmore, on Tuesday, under the baton of the army’s principal…
Caroline Woodhouse will be giving a clarinet recital - Being Playful - as part of the series of Tea and Cake concerts at the Old Bluecoat School, Thatcham,…
WITH Autumnwatch wrapped up for another year, and the rest of the BBC Natural History Unit preparing for hibernation, the whirlwind of naturalist energy…
Paintings of the marsh landscape of Western France and its rare salt pans, by highly regarded painter Peter Joyce, are currently on show at Jenna Burlingham…
The Watermill Young Company bring their energy and enthusiasm to Gogol’s The Government Inspector, at The Watermill from Wednesday to Saturday next week.…
Final rehearsals are in full swing for Basingstoke Symphony Orchestra's Autumn Concert at The Anvil, Basingstoke, on Saturday with conductor Stephen Scotchmer…
It's high drama and wonderful music as Kennet Opera perform Verdi’s Macbeth at the Corn Exchange from November 15 to 17. This tale of intrigue and dark…
Following the positive response to Pip Utton’s Adolf in February, Arlington Arts have booked latest show Churchill on Friday, November 9 (8pm).Big Ben…
“Is this the way to Africa?” Mr Chickweed exclaimed to the hordes of children running across the Market Place chasing a giant turnip caravan this week.This…
Rising comedy star Imran Yusuf brings his latest show Bring The Thunder to Arlington Arts, Snelsmore, on Saturday November 10. Following a hugely successful…