Good Vibes Music Academy has announced ‘Your Space’ Open Mic events for budding performers to experience the thrill of gigging live.
Who do you think it will be?
Marlborough LitFest’s annual Golding Speaker highlights the town’s long connection with Nobel Laureate and Booker Prize winner William Golding.
Cinderella with a new social responsibility reviewed in Oxford.
Government junior minister plans evening with Opposition typist. What could possibly go wrong? Find out at the William Penney Theatre.
Prepare for a white knuckle ride as The Banff Mountain Film Festival tour brings epic adventure to the big screen.
Our pick of arts and ents events.
Spend an hour to help the RSPB build a picture of how garden birds are faring.
We’ve been to see Ad Infinitum in Oxford to give you the heads up to book this non verbal solo show told through the perspective of a Deaf man.
New invention from the Hungerford studio of madcap sculptor Nigel Williams.
From opposite sides of the planet, folk musicians Malcolm MacWatt from Scotland and Isabel Rumble from Australia share the bill.
Club aims to maintain the vision of Paul Sartin and Jon Wilks.
Kennet Amateur Theatrical Society set sail to Treasure Island - A Pantomime by Ben Crocker.
A great opportunity on offer to try your hand at clay sculpture under the guidance of a ceramics expert with a five-week course at City Arts.
The items to be auctioned range from diving helmets, militaria, and car mascots to studio pottery and tribal art of late 90-year-old collector.
Evil spirits banished as beer garden’s old apple tree is blessed and libations offered for a good crop.
2027 is William’s 1,000th birthday, marked by significant events across England and Normandy, and the year RABBLE theatre aim to produce the play.
Explore how artificial intelligence is already part of everyday life, discover cutting-edge research projects, opportunities and risks of frontier AI.
Keep in the know with our top arts&ents stories dropped into your emailbox every Thursday.
‘Mesmerising’, ‘a man possessed’ and a ‘master raconteur at the top of his game’.