05 November 2015
'You've never seen performances this bad' The Last Witch Hunter (12A) Running time 1hr 46mins Rating: * VIN Diesel made his name in the Fast and Furious…
29 October 2015
Hotel Transylvania 2 picks up from the first charm-filled hit Hotel Transylvania 2 (U) Running time 89 mins Rating: *** WHO knew that Sony’s…
29 October 2015
Corn Exchange panto cast announced THE Corn Exchange has announced the cast for its 2015 pantomime Dick Whittington, giving them a big Newbury welcome…
29 October 2015
Corn Exchange panto cast announcec THE Corn Exchange has announced the cast for its 2015 pantomime Dick Whittington, giving them a big Newbury welcome…
16 October 2015
Jeremy Hardy does stand-up at the Corn Exchange Jeremy Hardy has been performing stand-up for the last 31 years and reckons that, without a…
16 October 2015
Newbury Chamber Choir sing Carissimi and Caldara Newbury Chamber Choir begin their season tomorrow (Saturday) with a concert by two masters of the Italian…
15 October 2015
Milan artist sells at Hungerford's Living Art opening weekend FRIDAY’S opening of the new gallery, Living Art in Hungerford, proved a success, with…
09 October 2015
Four ceramicists join forces for weekend show FOUR local potters whose work is inspired by nature, the land and the sea, have teamed up to exhibit together…
09 October 2015
Psychic thriller Solace is all too predictable Solace (U) Running time 1 hr 41mins Rating: * FOR a film that boasts crime, drama, thriller and paranormal…
02 October 2015
Folk rock with a modern twist Kami Thompson and James Walbourne are folk-rock duo The Rails. Blending Celtic, soul, blues and folk, these 2015 BBC Folk’s…
24 September 2015
Music and tales from the road at Arlington Arts ARLINGTON Arts is offering “a night of mindblowing sax and stories from a life in music”…
24 September 2015
Tom Hardy plays both Kray twins in Legend, the biopic of the ’60s East End gangsters Tom Hardy plays both Kray twins in Legend, the biopic of the ’60s…
16 September 2015
HARRY Marshall, Jon Stubberfield and Rupert Nobes are three regular guys who were part of Newbury’s thriving music scene back in the day and want…
10 September 2015
Straight Outa Compton film review Straight Outta Compton (15) Running time 2hr 27mins Rating: *** ICE Cube, Dr Dre, Eazy-E, DJ Yella and MC Ren were…
10 September 2015
Incantata promotes the enjoyment that singing for fun can bring OUR choir sings for fun, says Sara Ducker, and for performance experience, at local events…
03 September 2015
Work from the hottest writers comes to the Corn Exchange next week A UNIQUE portable theatre dome will be hosting a special festival of cutting-edge productions…
03 September 2015
Pixels: Tired and boring, despite a class cast Pixels (12A) Running time 1hr 46mins Rating: * ADAM Sandler gets a rough ride. His films, made under…
28 August 2015
Trainwreck (15)Running time 2hr 5minsRating: ** OKAY, so the new Bridesmaids this is not. Rather than aligning itself with the progressive woman-led…
28 August 2015
Group show this weekend part of Hants Open Studios LOCAL group Made in the Hood are exhibiting their art and handmade crafts over two floors in Westridge…
17 August 2015
Double celebration for Newbury composer NEWBURY composer Fiona Bennett has more than one reason to celebrate at the moment. She has just released her…