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Schools & Colleges Feature

Park House School

Park House School enjoys a beautiful, leafy site on former parkland on the edge of Newbury from which has served the community since 1946.

In addition to extensive classroom accommodation, the facilities for sport, technology and the arts are excellent, having recently been designated a national hub for computer science.

Academic success is an entitlement of every pupil and Park House School’s latest Ofsted inspection in September 2019 recognised that they have “the highest ambition for all pupils”. This means pupils at every level of attainment are supported to make excellent progress by staff who strive for them to achieve their best.

As a result, pupils consistently achieve well above national and local authority averages at GCSE and in the top 15 percent nationally for sixth form outcomes.

Park House staff also know there is so much more to an education than just academic outcomes.

Pupils, parents and Ofsted recognise this too and say that the school’s culture, values and the breadth of what they offer pupils beyond their studies are all excellent.

Pupils develop a “high level of respect for each other and adults in the school” and they “have many after-school and lunchtime activities and clubs that they can attend and enjoy” (Ofsted, 2019).

The curriculum offers pupils a balance of ‘traditional’ subjects alongside arts, sport, technology and practical subjects.

The Character and Values lessons contribute to a wider enrichment curriculum, helping pupils develop into kind, respectful, courageous and outward-facing young people.

Pupil well-being is vital to the school and, supported by the active Student Council, they strive to offer the very best support so every pupil can be safe, successful and happy.

So, if the school’s values, curriculum and culture appeal to you then Park House is the ‘right’ school for you too and they very much look forward to welcoming you to one of their Open Events in September and October.


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