12-year-old Woolton Hill DJ closes Chris Evans’ CarFest at Laverstoke Park Farm near Basingstoke
Anyone who went to Chris Evan’s CarFest over the August bank holiday weekend was treated to a surprise hit finale.
Twelve-year-old Harry Frost, from Woolton Hill, went to the festival at Laverstoke Park Farm in Overton – billed as the UK’s biggest family fundraising festival – with his mother, father and brother.
But little did he know he would closing the whole weekend with a 30-minute drum and bass set on Sunday night – and he has been invited to appear on the bill officially next year.
Harry, who has autism, first started playing in 2018. He was determined to chase the sun and get on stage — and would not let himself be fazed by the hundreds of cheering festivalgoers.
He started on Friday by holding up a handmade sign reading ‘Let me DJ’.
After a brief meeting with radio presenter Chris Evans, Harry, going by the name ‘DJ Hypester’, ended up playing six songs at the club tent – and the crowd went wild.
Speaking about his set, Harry said: “It felt really good. I loved the crowd.”
His mother, Barbra Frost, said: “He absolutely smashed it. The crowd went crazy for him. Industry insiders are tipping him to be huge.”
One of the songs Harry covered was Baddadan, the new hit single by electronic music duo, Chase & Status.
And the artists took notice, sharing his videos all over their social media.
So, what has Harry got lined up next?
“We’ve just started to talk with Victorious Festival down at Portsmouth and also The Big Feastival just up in Oxfordshire,” added Mrs Frost.
“It’s all happening very, very fast.”
Harry also played at this year’s Newbury Pride and went to school with 12-year-old drummer, Alfie Graham, whose success story was covered by newburytoday in July.
And how did he come up his catchy stagename?
Harry explained: “It all started with a piece of paper and I just started coming up with ideas.
“And when I came up with DJ Hypester, it just clicked.”
Harry is starting at St Bart’s School in Newbury on Wednesday – and does he certainly have some stories to tell.
Listen to Harry on Instagram @djhypester