15 years to travel 12 miles - the letter that took a while to arrive
Old Memories Revived: A look back at the NWN archives
All was quiet in Northbrook Street, Newbury, back in 1947.
Stradlings Motorworks is in the foreground of the picture, and Stradlings also owned a garage and filling station in Charnham Street, Hungerford, around that time.
The Hungerford property remained as a garage and is now the site of the Dick Lovett BMW dealership.
150 years ago - September 2, 1869
Two men giving the names of Brown and Carter, of Birmingham and Sheffield respectively, were charged with attempting to pick pockets on the race course.
A constable in private clothes saw Brown just as the horses were coming in with his hand in a lady’s pocket, and Carter
covering him.
He apprehended Brown, who hit and kicked furiously. Carter got away, but was afterward apprehended.
He had had his eyes on them the whole of the day. Committed to gaol for one month.
The case was taken at the Newbury Petty Sessions on Thursday.
125 years ago - August 30, 1894
The members of the East Woodhay Church Choir had their annual outing on Saturday last.
Accompanied by the Rev FW Knight, the curate, they started from Woodhay Station by the excursion train to Southampton.
Soon after their arrival at that town they took a steamer for the Isle of Wight.
After passing down Southampton Water, the island was soon reached, Cowes and Ryde being visited.
Landing at the latter place they were much interested on seeing the United States warship Chicago, and the royal yachts, Alberta and the Victoria and Albert, with several other fine vessels.
After partaking of dinner at Ryde, the return voyage was made to Southampton, where tea was provided.
The remainder of the time was spent by some in strolling round the town and by others in boating.
At nine o’clock they assembled at the West End Station and returned to Woodhay Station, which they reached shortly before midnight, all having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
100 years ago - August 28, 1919
A postcard addressed to Mr John Stacey, familiarly known as Mayor of Tadley, bearing the Reading postmark June 2, 1904, was delivered on August 17, 1919.
Distance 12 miles, time in transit 15 years.
And to cap it all, he was surcharged a penny because the card bore a halfpenny stamp.
Mr H J Booth, of Sydmonton, who was in Leipsic when war broke out, has just received a card posted in Sheffield on July 13th, 1914.
But there’s some reason for that delay, the postal connection having been cut.
75 years ago - August 31, 1944
For the six-year-olds – This is the true story of one of the little moorhens who has made friends with Checkie, the Muscovy duck.
One day, after Checkie had been fed, she left a few crumbs and Tippit came to finish them up, because in war-time nothing must be wasted.
And Checkie, who is very dignified and moves in a stately manner, turned away to watch Bob and Bobbin, who were
scuttling through the grass.
Suddenly, out came Roddy, the rat (who also never misses anything in the food line), and Tippet, furious, put down her little red beak, spread her wings and rushed him back to his hole!
Mr Roddy did not stop to argue and Tippit returned to her titbits. By the way, did you know that moor-hens have bright green legs and feet?
50 years ago - September 4, 1969
Ever since the first house was built there over three years ago, the residents have had to put up with potholes in Newbury’s unmade Tudor Road and, when it rains, mud an inch deep. Now at last, it seems that Newbury Town Council are about to surface the road.
Residents, when they bought their houses there, paid so much to the builder to have the road completed, but since these days it has been a case of “mind where you tread”, particularly on wet days. Nothing has been done to the road, despite repeated pleas by people living there to the Town Council.
News that the road is to be made up was given by Mr John Knowles, Borough Surveyor, last week. “All the legal business has now been completed” said Mr Knowles, “and all objections have been withdrawn, with the exception of one. If this is not settled soon then the matter must go before the magistrates.
“These delays are no fault of the Town Council, the entire situation has been handled by lawyers. We will start work on the road as soon as this objection has been settled.”
Mr Knowles could not say if negotiations with the objector were nearing completion and because of this he could not give a definite date when the road works would begin. Mrs R Crow, of Linden, Tudor Road, who has fervently protested about the road for a long time, said “Naturally we are all very pleased to hear that the work will start soon.”
Mrs Crow said that because of the state of the road, other people were using their driveways as turning places and also for parking cars at night. Last year, the Borough Highways Committee agreed to prepare a scheme for the road and it was stated at that time that there was a chance of something being done before this winter. To the residents of Tudor Road, however, seeing is believing.
10 years ago - August 27, 2009
The total number of parking tickets issued in Newbury is more than double the rest of the entire district, figures obtained exclusively by the Newbury Weekly News reveal.
Newbury has generated nearly 3,000 out of the 4,400 tickets issued across the district since the council’s new civil
enforcement officers were introduced in April.
At recent meetings of the Newbury Retail Association, traders criticised the large number of officers and claimed the town was disproportionately targeted compared to other areas of the district – a view now supported by the figures.
The owner of Artifax picture framers in Bartholomew Street, John Ince, said: “I just think the employment of 21 wardens is complete and utter overkill.
“What we argued was that, if they are going to do this, it should be done when the car park in Park Way opens because then there can’t be any excuses because Newbury will be awash with car parking spaces.
“But they have chosen to do it right in the middle of a recession, when it is difficult to get around Newbury and parking is restricted.”
Newbury Retail Association chairman Brian Burgess said: “It’s just proof that they are hammering the motorist in Newbury which is just deterring any customers from the town.”
However, the councillor responsible for highways, David Betts (Con, Purley) said he was not surprised by the figures because Newbury was the primary urban area with the highest number of parking restrictions.
He said: “I am always very keen to make sure that Hungerford, Pangbourne and Thatcham get the degree of attention they should and they all appear happy with the level of cover they’re getting.”