A new clock for Hungerford High Street
Old Memories Revived: A look back at the NWN archives
There was no excuse for not knowing the time in Hungerford High Street in the 1860s.
In June 1862, the magistrate’s clerk Mr Hall donated a brand new clock to the town.
A new clock tower was built to accommodate it, but it seems that this major structural change proved unsatisfactory, as in 1871, the fourth (Victorian) town hall was built, incorporating a new Corn Exchange.
150 years ago - April 1, 1869
A charge of permitting drunkenness was brought against Thomas Watts, Landlord of the Malt and Shovel Inn, Ramsbury, by William Taylor, of Aldbourne.
Complaint’s son is addicted to drunkenness and it was alleged by a witness that he gave 30s to the waiter, who drew beer as fast as he could, and that young Taylor was drunk and threw money about.
Another witness contradicted this, and the case having broken down, the bench declined to convict.
125 years ago - March 29, 1894
The Inkpen Cricket Club has been holding a meeting for the election of officers.
Mr J Butler was chosen president, and Mr T Head vice-president.
Messrs T May and H Fisher, after much pressure, were induced to take the offices of captain and sub-captain respectively, and Messrs Jas Abrahams, Wm Taylor, Geo Head, Joseph Hopkins, Wm Bance and Albert Hopkins were appointed on the committee.
It was unanimously resolved that the secretary should write to the following clubs – East Woodhay, Speen, Hungerford, and
Kintbury, with an intention to play matches during the season.
100 years ago - March 27, 1919
The Government Housing Scheme will help to remove objections, if there were any, to the selection of the Craven Road site, by enabling the Corporation to carry out their proposal to erect better-class houses on the frontage.
There was naturally a fear that the establishment of a colony of working class dwellings would tend to the depreciation of value of existing properties in a pleasant suburb which claims to provide a superior type of residence for middle-class townspeople.
The committee realised the undesirability of utilising the whole of the site for ordinary cottages, and plans already submitted to the LGB show that the frontages will be occupied by houses similar to those already erected.
The Government Bill expressly stipulates that this may be done.
It is not alone the working classes who suffer from lack of accommodation, but others able and willing to pay a fair economic rent.
75 years ago - March 30, 1944
Sir – Apparently only one person disagreed with my suggestion about keeping the dance halls open until 11.30.
I now have a suggestion for this lady, which is that she should contact a certain Mr Killjoy who lives somewhere in Dover. Remember, he was the man who stopped a troop show on a Sunday. Our Newbury lady and the Dover gentleman should have
something in common. Maybe I have not been through hell yet, but when I do I shall not want the thought with me that my friends at home have to go without their pleasure.
Are we not fighting for a happy, peaceful world, or is it to let people like your correspondent dictate what times our
enjoyment should stop?
As to the statement about our American allies not wanting dances open after ten o’clock, she must have been speaking to perhaps a few Americans.
I have spoken to many of the younger lads who seem to think (putting it in their own words) “a 100 per cent loco” the idea of
closing dances at 10pm.
Yours sincerely
JH Brooks, BDr.
25 years ago - March 31, 1994
An argument outside a Chinese take-away in Lambourn High Street on Friday night erupted into a street brawl involving 30 people.
Police officers from Hungerford, Newbury and Wantage were called in to break up the fights between three groups of youths, and only succeeded when police dogs were brought in. Pc Bob Balcombe, of Newbury police, said the incident had started with minor skirmishes, which began just before midnight outside the Rice Bowl take-away.
However, when the first officer arrived in the village a few minutes later, the argument had developed into a full-scale battle in Newbury Street. Residents from the street made a series of 999 calls to the police.
Pc Balcombe said the first officer radioed for urgent assistance and police quickly flooded the village.
Working with the dogs, they dispersed the youths and warned them to go home.
Even after the fighting had stopped, the police maintained a presence in the village to stop any resurgence of the fighting. Pc Balcombe said one youth had been arrested after allegedly assaulting a police officer.
10 years ago - March 26, 2009
Work on the controversial multi-million pound redevelopment of Sainsbury’s supermarket, Newbury, has started.
Plans to develop a two-storey extension to the front (north) and east of the store, and a single-storey parking deck over the existing car park were approved by councillors in December.
However, the plans were met with fierce opposition by people who have said that the development would increase traffic
problems on congested town centre roads and divert shoppers away from the town centre.
The store will almost double in size, increasing its retail space by 77 per cent and resulting in a gross floor space of13,000 sq m.
Work will last around eight months and builders are currently on site preparing for the first phase of development, the construction of the car park deck, which will start in April and last for 15 weeks.
Once it is complete, more than 100 extra parking spaces will be available for customers to use while the rest of the development is finished.
The store has also reduced the number of free parking hours at the store from three hours to two hours, while the car deck is being constructed to increase the availability of spaces.
Store manager Leigh Brown said that the work would not disrupt normal trading hours and that the store would remain open.
However, it could close for a few days once the work was completed.
He added: “We are very excited that work is finally under way to improve the store. We are keen to provide customers with the wider range of products and services they have told us they want to see, and we are looking forward to the completion of the revamped store later this year.”