A34 southbound at East Ilsley clear after earlier overturned car
MPs schedule meeting with roads minister over danger road
THE A34 at East Ilsley was affected by a further accident earlier today (Monday) after a car overturned southbound on the carriageway, partially blocking the road.
The road has since been cleared.
Three miles of traffic southbound, and to the Chilton Interchange, were reported around lunchtime today (Monday) .
Several recent fatalities at the black spot in recent months - including an horrific accident last month which claimed the lives of a mother and three children - have seen the formation of an action group by local residents, and in the wake of the incident.
Membership of the A34 action group, launched by East Ilsley resident Alisdair Cunningham, soared to 781 members in just four days.
Newbury MP Richard Benyon, has united with neighbouring MPs Ed Vaizey, whose constituency is Didcot and Wantage and also Nicola Blackwood, the MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, to tackle the issue.
All three MPs are scheduled to meet roads minister, John Hayes, in coming weeks, to highlight concerns on the accident blackspot, with Mr Benyon in favour of a Highway England study on the A34 to improve safety.
UPDATE 3.10pm
South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) sent two ambulances and a paramedic to the scene at 11.48am.
Two people sustained minor injuries, with one taken to the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford and the other treated at the scene.
For more on this story pick up a copy of Thursday's Newbury Weekly News