The arts and leisure committee meeting tonight (Monday) has been cancelled due to a lack of items to discuss A SCHEDULED meeting of Newbury Town Council's…
Keith Lock "had a wonderful ability to bring people together" TRIBUTES have been paid following the death of a hugely popular West Berkshire councillor. Former…
District councillors have hailed the recent approval of plans to redevelop The Winchcombe School in Newbury DISTRICT councillors have hailed the approval…
A recycling competition could see West Berkshire schools win £500 cash or educational prizes from the Woodland Trust SCHOOLS in West Berkshire are being…
From Monday, February 28, two extra journeys are being added to the Vitality 1 network between Newbury and Reading TWO extra bus journeys are being added…
The long-awaited community shop will open its doors for the first time on March 26 HAMPSTEAD Norreys' long-awaited community shop, run by the community,…
Other causes must still be ruled out, say racecourses bosses LAMBOURN trainer Nicky Henderson said today (Sunday) he was satisfied with the way Newbury…
Newbury Racecourse tragedy was "unprecedented" say investigators INVESTIGATORS probing yesterday's (Saturday) “unprecedented” drama at Newbury Racecourse…
The Newbury Model Railway Club will hold its biggest model train exhibition ever at Park House School today (Saturday) A NEWBURY model railway club is…
A family fun day will take place at the Five Bells next month, including a 12-hour pool marathon and face painting THE Brain Tumour Support and Social…
Mark Howlin' Lord Legassick and Case Hardin double bill at Ace Space next Friday Coming to town centre venue Ace Space on Friday, February 18, is…
Old cable could the cause of electrical fault that killed two horses AN old electricity cable has been pinpointed as the possible cause of the incident…
Victim burgled while she was in her home, unawares THE AFTERMATH of a house burglary in Greenham, committed while the victim was at home, was played out…
West Berkshire Council's warning about eating raw oysters has been met with scepticism from local fishmongers FISHMONGERS have reacted with scepticism… is pleased to carry the weekly lottery results for the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance NEWBURYTODAY.CO.UK is pleased to carry…
Several events are taking place in West Berkshire this weekend to get people in the mood for Valentine's Day PLENTY of people will be getting into…
Newbury Blues will follow last week's long-awaited win by having to field three sides in two days NEWBURY BLUES face the task of fielding three sides…
A two-day consultation over plans to build waste incinerator begins today (Friday) WASTE firm Grundon is today (Friday) beginning the first of two public…
Newburytoday hopes to help Dogs Trust Newbury to try to find a home for Monty THIS week Dogs Trust Newbury is appealing for a home for three-year-old…
Newbury firefighters were called to a house in Brimpton Road at about 6.45pm last night (Thursday) FIREFIGHTERS from Newbury tackled a chimney fire at…