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Christmas tree festival at St John’s Church, Newbury raises money for West Berks Foodbank and Eight Bells for Mental Health

A Newbury church has once again been illuminated with twinkling lights as it prepares for Christmas.

The annual Christmas Tree Festival is taking place at St John’s Church every day until Christmas Eve.

From 10am until 4pm you can go into the church to see around 30 trees all decorated by community groups and organisations.

Entry is free, but donations to Newbury’s foodbank and 8 Bells for Mental Health charities are welcomed. There are also refreshments available.

Rev Gary Collins, associate vicar at St John’s Church, said the event – now in its eight year – had been “really good”.

“Each year it gets bigger and I have to buy more trees,” he added. “We have a lot of organisations from around the community – mainly organisations we work with throughout the year – and we are all about bringing the community together.”

He said schools, the Scouts, City Arts and Newbury Pride were just some of the groups involved this year.

Another is Newbury Soup Kitchen.

Founder and chief executive, Meryl Praill, said: “Our tree is decorated by staff and volunteers of the charity to remember our wonderful clients and volunteers that we have had the pleasure to help, support or work alongside - people who are no longer with us but always in our hearts.

“This tradition is an opportunity for us to reflect on the year and to think of the people who have lost their battle with addiction and mental health issues.

“It was lovely this year to have a group of dedicated Newbury Soup Kitchen volunteers to decorate the tree in the church.

Newbury Knitting group Ref: 49-0224J
Newbury Knitting group                                                                                                          Ref: 49-0224J

“Baubles have labels of the names of everyone and they will be on our tree year after year.

“It is really hard to work through the loss of someone you often work so closely with, this tree is a perfect way.

“Families of those individuals or volunteers can come to the church and see the tree. Sadly, each year more names are added.

“Bereavement gives us all strength and determination to work harder to help more people who often slip through the net or struggle to engage.

“We do not work purely with homeless individuals, many are housed in permanent or temporary accommodation; many are lonely, struggling with mental health, addictions and debt.

“We value all the kindness and support Gary and St John’s Evangelist Church give us at Christmas and throughout the year.”

And while the inside of the church sparkles, the outside has not been forgotten either.

A large carpet of stars has been hung from the roof and cascades down the side of the church to the door, welcoming everyone in.

Rev Collins said that he was always looking to do something dramatic at Christmas and when he was approached by a local knitting group, the perfect community project was started.

Hundreds of stars have been created throughout the year – in all kinds of materials, shapes and sizes – by schools, sea cadets, community groups and individuals.

“It has been a really lovely year [creating the stars],” added Rev Collins. “The whole thing has been about drawing our community together.”

Snowflakes outside St Johns Church in Newbury
Snowflakes outside St Johns Church in Newbury
Snowflakes outside St Johns Church in Newbury
Snowflakes outside St Johns Church in Newbury

This Christmas there are a number of services being held at the church.

The Benefice Carol Service will take place on Sunday (December 22) at 4pm, where the combined choirs of St John’s and St George’s join together to lead a traditional carol service.

All welcome.

The crib service will take place at 4pm on Christmas Eve and there will be an opportunity to bring gifts which are then donated to Home Start, West Berkshire to support struggling families.

Midnight Mass at St John’s will begin at 11pm with carols, with the service starting at 11.30pm.

Celebrate the first Eucharist of Christmas, with hymns and joy as we mark birth of Christ.

The Christmas Day service at St John’s Church will be at 10am.

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