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Compton champions new green living scheme

Compton residents celebrated the launch of their Greening campaign on Saturday (October 22), at The Downs School.

The Greening Compton campaign started last month at a public meeting, where people worked together to choose eight simple actions to enable people to make a difference to the environment.

These ideas were shared with local groups including the Autumn Club, the Chicks ladies group and the Brownies.

Organisers of Compton Greening, Lisa Hill, Penny Parker, Jane Gartshore and Anna Glue.
Organisers of Compton Greening, Lisa Hill, Penny Parker, Jane Gartshore and Anna Glue.

There was an assembly for pupils at Compton Primary School and the eco group at The Downs School also got involved. Local businesses supported the cause with ideas and printing services.

Organiser, Penny Parker, said: "The Brownies did an art display about saving energy and had the wonderful idea of creating a Greening Compton vegetarian cookbook, which we have now collected dozens of recipes for."

Jane Gartshore, a fellow organiser, also praised the tips on planning meals, making grocery shopping lists and using leftovers to reduce food waste, which is the biggest energy saving idea on the challenge card.

The other carbon saving challenges include drying clothes on the line when possible, rather than using a tumble drier, and turning the heating thermostat down.

The annual scarecrow trail organised by Friends of Compton Primary School has an environmental twist this year, with several green scarecrows already displayed around the village.

Each residence in Compton now has a Greening Compton poster, with the eight challenges on the reverse. Households are asked to commit to five of the eight actions and then put the poster up in their front window to show that they have done so.

The Compton Greening poster
The Compton Greening poster

After three weeks, the displayed posters will be counted to calculate how much energy the community has saved.

Caroline Callard, who is also in the organising group, said: "As people go around the village they will see their neighbours’ posters up in their windows, and we hope that will help encourage everyone to get involved. This is a fantastic community project and we thank everyone in the village for their support." She also extends the team's warmest thanks to Compton Parish Council for their support.

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