Could you be the NWN Young Photographer of the Year?
Entries are now open for the 2019 competition
There are just 10 days left to go to get your entry in for this year's Newbury Weekly News Young Photographer of the Year competition.
The competition is open to youngsters from school years 3 to 13 and aims to encourage them to get involved in photography.
This year there are three themes to choose from - street, patterns and landscape. Just select one theme and send us a photograph that you think best represents that theme. Just one entry per person please.
Photographs can be taken on a phone or tablet, with a digital camera or using good old film.
There are three categories this year and the winner from each one will be awarded a £100 Amazon voucher.
Junior - school years 3-6
Senior - school years 7-13
Judges' Choice
The judging panel will be led by the NWN’s award-winning photographer, Phil Cannings and all entries will be published in a special supplement in the Newbury Weekly News on Thursday, June 6, when the public can vote for their favourite.
The closing date for entries is May 17, 2019.
To enter you can email your photograph to or post it to NWN Photography Competition, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, RG14 2AD. Please include the following details with your entry: your name, address, school name, year group, contact phone number and email. If you are under 16-years-old please include the name and contact number of your parent/guardian.