Council decides on Thames Water EIA screening opinion for Chapel Row sewage treatment works expansion
West Berkshire Council has determined an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required for a proposed sewage treatment works expansion.
Thames Water sought a screening opinion to determine whether it would need to conduct an EIA before redeveloping and expanding its sewage treatment works in Paradise Way, Chapel Row.
The council decided on Friday, March 22, the proposal would not have an adverse impact on the surrounding North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, now National Landscape.
The proposal includes new inlet works with screen and associated infrastructure, a balancing tank, replacement storm tank return pumps, new storm feed pipework, pebble bed clarifier backwash pumping modifications, new access roads and paths around new assets, final settlement tank, ancillary infrastructure and hard standing, plus landscaping/habitat enhancements on land adjoining the extension to the west (once land is acquired).
A temporary compound would be located within the site for the duration of the construction period.
The final scope and design will be finalised after the appointment of a contractor.
The Environment Agency did not wish to be consulted, and Natural England did not respond with any comments.
A screening opinion helps developers to determine whether a proposed project is likely to have significant effects on the environment before a formal application is submitted.
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