Don't miss this week's Newbury Weekly News and Hungerford edition
We have a free route guide to the torch relay with all the information you need on where to go to watch the once-in-a-lifetime procession pass by.
In our Hungerford edition of the Newbury Weekly News this week tributes are paid to father of two Peter James Wright, found dead at his home in Kennedy Meadow, Hungerford.
And there’s a full report and pictures from the Hungerford Hares’ first ever public event.
In Newbury, the family and friends of 14-year-old St Bartholomew's pupil Alara Lawson, who died suddenly, have paid heartfelt tribute to the 'perfect daughter' and 'amazing friend'.
The David Burgess murder trial continues, and we also hit the streets of Newbury to find out what you make of the rate-fixing scandal currently rocking the banking world.
We have several picture spreads, from Rock at the Racecourse to Opera for All and Culture Fest, and a special page on the heroes of Bomber Command with pictures and stories from the men who faced almost insurmountable survival odds during the Second World War.
Shopping and everyday items costs £2,000 a year more in West Berkshire than in urban areas, a new study has found, pick up this week's Newbury Weekly News to find our more.
We’ve also got news and pictures of an intrepid team or rowers who smashed a cross channel world record and we reveal how a Lambourn trainer survived a broken neck after his horse was spooked by cats.
In arts we have a review of Ben Hur at the Watermill Theatre, and in sport the coming football season is on the agenda for Hungerford town.
For all this and much, much more pick up your Newbury Weekly News, on sale every Thursday.