Explorer Nick Carter inspires pupils with visits to a trio of Newbury schools
A trio of Newbury schools have been inspired by a visit from adventurer Nick Carter.
Pupils from The Winchcombe School, John Rankin Schools and Falkland School all enjoyed hearing the explorer describe his many adventures – from climbing Mount Everest, swimming the Channel, walking the Amazon and running across the Sahara desert, Iceland and lately Tajikistan.
Mr Carter has worked with John Rankin Schools for nearly a decade and has now added The Winchcombe and Falkland to his growing list.
Winchcombe headteacher, Matt Percy, said: “I’ve worked with Nick for around 15 years now, including my time at John Rankin, and he never fails to engage and inspire the children in a school.
“Our children sat spellbound during his assembly as he talked about courage and curiosity and how a big dream starts with small steps.
“He then gave a talk to Year 5 and Year 6 on his expedition to Mount Everest, weaving in our other school values of kindness and respect.”
At John Rankin Schools Mr Carter discussed leadership, linked to their new curriculum ‘A Brave New World’.
Executive headteacher Flora Cooper added: “Following his empowering assembly several children have decided they too would love to explore the world just like him, what a perfect link to our learning.
“We are always grateful for Nick’s time as we know he works with schools and corporations across the world.”
The final visit of the day was to Falkland School for a talk on his Mount Everest climb.
Years 3-6 listened attentively as he explained how, after an arduous and dangerous climb, his group had used teamwork - a Falkland School value - to rescue a stricken colleague from the summit and get them back down the mountain.
His talk was punctuated with video footage from Base Camp and near the summit, along with cautionary tales of how to go to the toilet safely in below freezing temperatures.
Falkland headteacher, Kavash Bamfield, said: “Nick’s global adventures demonstrated how nature is not only a tool to explore the wider world but also themselves.
“Nick certainly inspired Falkland children to learn more about themselves through their next adventure!”
All three schools agreed that Mr Carter was the perfect person to inspire all the pupils to work towards achieving a goal.
They added that as he isn’t afraid of trying something new and learning from experience or mistakes he makes, he is a perfect example to the children as it builds resilience.
As Mr Carter himself put it: “If you try something new and it’s difficult and the only thing you learn is not to try it again then you haven’t actually learnt anything at all!”