Full Buck Moon this weekend July 4 and 5
Set your alarms for early Sunday morning
THIS month's full Buck Moon will peak on Sunday, July 5 at 5.44am in the UK, but the Moon still appears full to the naked eye for about three days either side, so look out for it on Saturday and Sunday evening, clear skies permitting.
And you may also see a penumbral lunar eclipse - this is when the moon passes through the edges of the 'shadow' that our planet casts into space, in which some of the Sun's light is obscured. During a penumbral eclipse the Moon dims as it passes through the Earth's penumbral shadow - the eclipse will start at 4.07am, reaching maximum eclipse at about 4.41am.
The name Buck Moon comes from the Algonquin native Indian tribes of the US because it is the time of year when the new antlers of a buck deer grow. July's full Moon is also known as the Thunder Moon because thunderstorms are often frequent during this month.
Remember the Moon always rises in the east and sets in the west.