“If there was a word bigger than thank you I would be saying it”
Public rally round to help soulmates marry
Planning your wedding should be the happiest time of your life, but for one Thatcham woman it is also proving to be the hardest.
Because, in between dress fittings and venue visits, Kaya Rimple is sitting with husband-to-be Aidan Waters and holding his hand as he prepares to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy for an incurable grade 4 brain tumour.
But in the depths of their despair the 24-year-old said she has been overwhelmed by the support of family, friends and complete strangers, who have all rallied together to give her and her “soulmate” the wedding of their dreams.
Three weeks ago the couple received the devastating news that 26-year-old Aidan’s brain tumour was the worst possible grade. Days later Kaya received a text from her friend, Christa Arlett, saying she had set up a GoFundMe page to help the couple get married.
In just 20 days, the page has been shared more than 2,300 times, raising £10,050 from 600 donors, double the initial target.
“If there was a word bigger than thank you I would be saying it,” Kaya said. “It makes you realise that even in the most rubbish of times people can all pull together and help you.
“It was a complete surprise and I couldn’t believe that within the first day it had exceeded the target of £5,000.
“Just reading all the comments people have written on the page has really helped me too. It’s all been completely overwhelming.”
On the fundraising page, Ms Arlett said: “One of the things Aidan wants to achieve in his time here with us is to marry this beautiful woman. I am hoping we can raise enough money for them to have the wedding they dream of and alleviate some of the stress that comes with organising a wedding.
“It’s the least this beautiful family deserve at the moment.”
In a distressing few weeks, the couple has endured the best and the worst that life could throw at them.
Aidan has undergone surgery to remove as much of the threadlike tumour – a glioblastoma – as possible and is due to start a six week course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as visiting a holistic therapist too.
A week after the surgery he was able to come home to help celebrate his daughter, Nova’s first birthday.
And now Kaya has bought the dress and booked the venue and the young couple will marry in August. Her seven-year-old son, Marley, will give her away.
“I am trying to be very positive,” Kaya adds, “but we know it is incurable.
“We are just so grateful for everyone’s support as it means we just don’t have to worry about anything and can have the wedding we dreamed of.”
If you would like to donate to the fund please visit www.gofundme.com/help-these-soulmates-marry
For more information and support on brain tumours please click here.