Last chance to enter NWN Young Photographer of the Year awards
£100 Amazon voucher up for grabs for winner of each category
THERE’S less than a week to go to get your entries in for this year’s Newbury Weekly News Young Photographer of the Year competition.
The competition is open to young people from school Years 3 to 13 and aims to encourage them to get involved in photography.
This year there are three themes to choose from – street, patterns and landscape.
Just select one theme and send us a photograph that you think best represents that theme. Only one entry per person please.
Photographs can be taken on a phone or tablet, with a digital camera or using film.
There are three categories this year and the winners from each will be awarded a £100 Amazon voucher:
. Junior – Years 3-6
. Senior – Years 7-13
. Judges’ Choice
The judging panel will be led by the NWN’s award-winning photographer Phil Cannings.
All entries will be published in a special supplement in the Newbury Weekly News on Thursday, June 6, when the public can vote for their favourite.
The closing date for entries is Friday, May 17.