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Basingstoke and Deane’s local plan update consultation is open to borough residents and will run until March 4

Basingstoke and Deane residents can now have their say on the draft plan that will guide development and planning decisions in the borough until 2040.

The local plan update consultation will run until midnight on Monday, March 4, and it will give people the chance to get involved in deciding the borough’s future.

This includes where homes, and other types of development, will be built and how the environment can be protected.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Civic Offices
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Civic Offices

Views can be given online, by email or in writing and people can find out about the plan and its policies at www.basingstoke.gov.uk/LPU-have-your-say or at a series of information events being held in Basingstoke, Sherfield on Loddon and Kempshott.

Documents can also be viewed at the council’s Civic Offices in London Road, Basingstoke, from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and in libraries.

Councillor Andy Konieczko said: “We have worked hard to develop this draft plan and policies with valuable input from our councillors, parish and town councils, and residents and community groups.

“Now it is time to go out to a borough-wide consultation, share our work and listen to the views of everyone to help us shape the plan.”

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