Connor Durcan from Pangbourne admits possessing axe and drugs
Published: 03:45, 17 January 2025
A MAN is awaiting sentencing on drugs and weapons charges.
Connor Durcan appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, January 2.
The 28-year-old, of Peel Court, off Reading Road in Pangbourne, admitted possessing an axe in public without a lawful excuse.
He further admitted possessing a quantity of the Class B-controlled drug cannabis on the same occasion.
Both offences were committed in Pangbourne on July 7 last year.
Magistrates adjourned the case for pre-sentence reports.
They stipulated that these be prepared on an ‘all options’ basis, including custody
Durcan, who was legally represented at the hearing by Gianpaolo Damiani, was meanwhile released on unconditional bail.