Darren Geraghty from Lambourn locked up on witness intimidation, robbery and assault charges
A HORSERACING industry worker has been sent to the crown court in custody charged with witness intimidation, robbery and assault.
Darren Geraghty appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Monday, July 1.
The 34-year-old, of Lynch Lane, Lambourn, is charged with assaulting Dylan Smith, thereby causing him actual bodily harm, in Lambourn on Saturday, April 13.
He also faces the following offences:
* Trying to pervert the course of justice by intimidating Lara Malcolm into withdrawing a witness statement in criminal proceedings in Lambourn between Wednesday, April 17, and Sunday, June 2
* Hhaving an offensive weapon, namely a bat, in Lambourn on Saturday, April 13
* Causing criminal damage to a car windscreen belonging to Lara Malcolm in Lambourn on Monday, June 25
* Threatening to burn a car belonging to Lara Malcolm in Lambourn on Monday, June 25
* Assaulting Lara Malcolm by beating her in Lambourn on Saturday, April 13
* Robbing Lara Malcolm of £300 in cash in Lambourn on Tuesday, June 25
* Assaulting Lara Malcolm by beating her at Hamilton Stables in Hockham Road, Compton, on Sunday, June 2
* Assaulting Lara Malcolm by beating her at Hamilton Stables in Hockham Road, Compton, on Friday, May 31
Mr Geraghty, who was legally represented by Honorata Choloniewska, was told the above matters were so serious they would be dealt with by a judge and, in the event of a trial, by a jury, sitting at Reading Crown Court on a date to be fixed.
District judge Samuel Goozee meanwhile denied Mr Geraghty bail and remanded him in custody.