Naked hiker spotted in Hampstead Norreys
A NAKED hiker was spotted enjoying a leisurely stroll around Hampstead Norreys airfield on Sunday morning.While perhaps understandably the warm weather may result in the shedding of one or two layers of clothing, newburytoday reader Steve Wheatley said he was astonished to be confronted by a man who had taken cooling off to the extreme.
“[He] was highly embarrassed – just walking boots and rucksack, but quickly produced a sarong to cover himself,”
Mr Wheatley said. “He said ‘you’re the first person I've seen all morning’. Chatted for a few moments about weather, and off he went.
“I got the impression he was a local man – very, very sheepish about the whole thing.
“Now that’s something you don't see on Hampstead Norreys airfield every day!”
Nude hiking is illegal, but by no means unheard of.
A former Royal Marine from Hampshire, Stephen Gough, was dubbed ‘the Naked Rambler’ in national media after attempting to walk from John O’Groats to Lands End without a stitch of clothing on.
He was arrested and sent to jail for 657 days. Upon his release he left the prison naked and was immediately re-arrested and sent to Perth sheriff court.
He represented himself naked and was jailed again.