New application made for five chalets at Hambridge Lake between Newbury and Thatcham whilst appeal for nine chalets still up in the air
An application for five chalets at Hambridge Lake has been submitted to West Berkshire Council.
But the same applicant is also appealing the council’s refusal of nine chalets at the same location.
The appeal, which started on April 3, is for nine three-bed holiday chalets and a clubhouse with access on the site between Newbury and Thatcham.
The plans also include parking areas for 26 cars, new pedestrian links, raised walkways and fishing stations.
But it was refused by West Berkshire Council.
Thatcham Town Council also objected.
An application has also been made for five two-bed chalets to be targeted at the recreational and leisure market.
The site includes 10 proposed fishing stations along the perimeter of the lake with a proposed circular path running around the lake.
Also with proposed foot bridges to provide access to the path that runs near the perimeter of the site.
There will also be a new bridge for vehicular use towards the west of the site to provide access to the north-west corner of the site.
The car parking provision would be for 15 car parking spaces in total, allowing for two car parking spaces per chalet at full occupancy, leaving five parking spaces available for staff.
There will be a total of two designated parking spaces for disabled access, which accounts for a 13 per cent provision of the total parking spaces available.
Two electric vehicle (EV) charging points would also be installed.
The applicant has previously said the purpose of the development is for recreational holiday leisure use only.
It is proposed that the chalets are a retreat for angling use on the Hambridge Lake.
The site is owed by the applicant and sits south of London Road (A4) and adjacent to Hambridge Road.
The current proposal has been drawn up following the refusal of a previous application for 41 chalets on this site.
The application was refused planning permission in March 2020, for seven reasons.
The applicant for that proposal was told the plans did not make provisions for acceptable access road links, the introduction of three large buildings would harm the visual setting and the build – which was proposed between two towns – would be harmful to the distinctive character of the area.
The application comprised chalets on a greenfield site outside the settlement boundary which formed another reason for dismissal.
The applicant was also told the plans – which would have created angling demand – would damage the local ecological balance.
The level of the proposed tree works that would have been required for the build was also said to be harmful to local biodiversity and the site sat largely in a flood zone.
The plans then went to appeal but were dismissed on November 30, 2021.
The appeal inspector’s decision notice raised concern with the development’s impact on landscape, trees and biodiversity.
To view and comment on the latest application, for five chalets, enter 24/00042/FULMAJ into West Berkshire Council’s planning website.
To view and comment on the application for nine chalets – which is being appealed – enter 23/00989/FULMAJ into West Berkshire Council’s planning website.