Appeal made against council after ‘poorly located’ planning application rejected
An appeal is now live against West Berkshire Council after it refused a planning application in Crookham Common.
JPS Fuels, a heating oil supplier based in an Aldermaston, applied to change agricultural land opposite Crookham Park into open storage space.
But the council rejected its proposal last November, saying the site was “poorly located” and lacked the “sufficient supporting infrastructure or opportunities” for employees to reach the site without driving.
It added the proposal would “significantly increase traffic in a remote rural location”, and claimed work had already commenced on the site when its officers visited and that their request to change the application to part retrospective was refused.
But Jonathan Pinnock, owner of JPS Fuels, disputed the council’s claims and is appealing its decision.
He said: “The accusation of ‘B8 use had already commenced’ is unfounded, as the vehicles on site were not in commercial use.
“We declined to change to retrospective as we had not used the site for commercial use.”
The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.
Send any comments to the Planning Inspectorate, quoting APP/W0340/W/24/3356899, at or by sending them to: Joanna Carter, Room 3C, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
The deadline is February 11. Any representations submitted late will not be considered.
Find out about planning applications that affect you at the Public Notice Portal.