Parsons Down Partnership School holds Ocean Protectors Day to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society
A Thatcham primary school held an Ocean Protectors Day to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society, writes Kyra Radley.
Parsons Down Partnership Schools is a taking part in an Eco–Schools programme, a seven-step framework that teaches students how they can take action toward climate change.
The primary school was focusing on the marine life topic for their themed day.
On Tuesday, March 12, the school held a pupil-led day of activities focused on the preservation of marine life. Students came to school dressed in blue and donated to the Marine Conservation Society where £163.20 was raised.
Sam Carpenter, a member of the Eco Friends Community – which aims to educate West Berkshire schools on single use plastics – delivered an assembly to pupils on the impact of litter contaminating the ocean and the ways that families can reduce their single-use plastic consumption.
Throughout the day the students took part in creative class activities that furthered their understanding of how marine environments can be put in danger by single-use plastic waste.
Each pupil created a design on a cardboard template which will form a display about all they learnt during the Ocean Protectors Day.
The school also said it hoped to spread their eco-work further by encouraging families to look at their own habits and join in the big plastic count, a national investigation into average household waste.