Over £5,000 raised in Pangbourne Rotary’s annual Woodcote 10k run
Hundreds of runners took part in this year’s Woodcote 10k run, organised by Pangbourne Rotary Club.
Despite freezing conditions, the event drew the highest number of runners on Sunday since the pandemic, who helped raise almost £5,000.
Funds will be donated a number of charities including Parkinson’s UK, the Motor Neurone Disease Association, as well as the club’s own charitable fund, used to support other worthy causes throughout the year.
A Rotary spokesperson said: “We are grateful for the runners, over 40 per cent up on last year, who truly enjoy participating in this tough event and to all the volunteers who made this happen.
“We are also indebted to our sponsors Warmingham’s Estate Agents and Peppard Building Supplies.
“We thank you all and look forward to 2026.”
The club also thanks the Rotarians from several local clubs, their friends, partners, members and volunteers who supported the event.
Please contact membership@pangbournerotary.org.uk to join in any future fundraising activities organised by the club.