RSPCA investigates suspicious death of dog dumped in Aldermaston car park
Lurcher discovered dead in sub-zero conditions in a kennel
The RSPCA is investigating the suspicious death of a dog whose body was found dumped in a kennel in an Aldermaston car park yesterday (Thursday).
According to the RSPCA, the black and white lurcher-type dog was dumped on a dog bed at Paices Hill Country Park, Aldermaston.
The RSPCA was alerted by a woman who spotted the dog’s body half inside the kennel.
Insp Nikki Denham, who attended the scene, said: “It must have been very distressing for visitors to the park to see such an upsetting sight and I’m very concerned about the circumstances surrounding this dog’s death.
“It’s bewildering to understand how someone could just dump a dog’s body alongside her belongings in the middle of nowhere.
“We cannot be sure whether she was still alive when she was abandoned and it’s heartbreaking to think of her alone and frightened in the dark. It’s been freezing this week so to cast a dog outside in this weather is just awful.”
A pair of grey gloves were found beside the red dog bed – covered in a bone design – and the wooden kennel.
“I’m concerned as the dog was in a very poor condition so I suspect she may well have suffered before dying,” inspector Denham added.
“She was very thin and her ribs and hips were visible. She also had discharge from the rear and there was a large parasitic worm on her bed, alongside her body.
“Unsurprisingly, the members of the public who found her body were absolutely distraught.”
The dog was wearing a red coat and a leather collar but was not microchipped.
The RSPCA has launched an investigation and would like to hear from anyone who recognises the dog or who may know where she has come from. Inspector Denham would also like to hear from anyone who may have seen someone in the area acting suspiciously.
“There is absolutely no reason for a dog to be in such a poor condition if fed well, wormed properly, kept out of the cold and given appropriate veterinary treatment,” inspector Denham continued.
“There is no excuse to allow an animal to suffer and I would urge anyone struggling with the care of their pet, to contact one of the many animal charities for help.”
Anyone with any information which could prove useful to the investigation should call the RSPCA’s inspector appeal line on 0300 123 8018.