Rugby 'world cup' for young players 24 years ago, while fire breaks out at the railway station in 1919
Old Memories Revived: A look back at the NWN archives
In June, 1995, Kennet School hosted a rugby world cup, as pupils from eight schools throughout the area were introduced to rugby.
It was organised by Thatcham and Aldermaston rugby clubs and more than 200 pupils were trained and taught various rugby tactics and skills.
June 3, 1869
Two men named Stagg and Stone, while at work in a wood on Lord Ailesbury’s estate on the morning of the 14th instant,
quarrelled and fought; during the fight Stone received such injuries, according to the verdict of the coroner’s jury, as to cause his death on the Monday following.
The deceased is reputed to have been of a very quarrelsome disposition, and had frequently fought with other men.
His age was 56, and he leaves a widow and several children.
An inquest was held on Thursday before Mr. Whitmarsh, when the evidence went to show that the deceased, Isaac Stone, met his death from a blow or a fall received during a fight on the morning of the 14th of May; the verdict was given accordingly.
A post mortem examination was made by Mr. Lidderdale and Mr. Palmer but they were unable to state whether death resulted from a blow or a fall.
May 29, 1919
The news that the Railway Station was on fire on Sunday evening speedily collected a large crowd in the vicinity.
The outbreak occurred just after five o’clock, when flames were noticed to be issuing from the upper part of the bookstall.
The staff on duty set to work energetically to check progress, but finding it getting out of hand, the alarm was given at half-past five, and the Volunteer Fire Brigade were quickly on the scene under the command of Captain Barton.
The flames had, by this time, made considerable headway and were attacking the roof timbers.
The firemen attached their hose to the road hydrants, but not until they had removed the slates could they make an effective resistance.
At one time it appeared that the whole block on the northern side was doomed, but by unrelaxing effort they succeeded in confining the fire to the central portion in which the outbreak occurred.
Considerable damage was done to the immediate surrounding but happily not the main building and by eight o’clock the firemen were released from duty.
Various theories are put forward as to the cause, the rays of the sun acting through a glass panel in the roof, or the spark from a passing engine.
June 8, 1944
Warrants for trespass - Newbury County Bench
Thursday: Before Mr. A.S.B. Tull (chairman), and the Dowager Lady Mount.
The Cases.
There was very little business. Edward J. Faithfull applied that the possession order made in favour of Albert John Shurey in regard to Sparks Cottage, Cold Ash, should be rescinded. The Bench postponed the taking effect of the order for 28 days, intimating to Faithfull that this would be final. – Mrs. Annie May Gosden of 1, Chapel-lane, Hermitage, made an application for the variation of a
maintenance order made against her husband, Gnr. Maurice Henry Gosden, R.A. The Bench increased the amount to 35s. for Mrs. Gosden and 12s. 6d. for each child. – The Bench granted a separation and maintenance order to Kate Dandridge against Lawrence Wilfred Dandridge to pay his wife £1 2s. 6d. a week and £2 2s. advocate’s fee the court costs being remitted. – Warrants were issued for the apprehension of two women summoned for trespassing on premises used for Service Purposes, the defendants failing to answer the summons.
June 5, 1969
A safe containing £350 was stolen in a raid on Nias of Newbury Ltd’s garage in Kings Road, Newbury, on Sunday. After breaking in through a skylight the raiders forced open a door to reach the safe which they wrenched from its
mountings in the concrete floor.
The safe, weighing about 3 cwt. was then dragged outside and marks in the concrete show where they struggled to lift it into a vehicle. Newbury detectives, who are investigating a number of thefts from safes, carried out a careful examination of the premises and dusted fittings for fingerprints.
June 2, 1994
Son of super rat, a stubborn rodent which has become immune to some poisons, is alive and scurrying around farms across the Newbury district. The creature, which looks the same as any other brown rat, is currently only found on the Berkshire and Wiltshire border. Newbury District council said this week there was no need to call for the Pied Piper yet.
Even son of super rat can be dealt with by applying stronger poisons and gasses, which the council admits are more
expensive to administer. Super rat was born in the 1970s when scientists discovered some strains were tolerant to the only widely used chemical, Warfarin.
To combat this, a generation of anti-coagulants were devised. It is to the anti-coagulants that a small percentage of rats, the awesome sons of super rat, have now become immune. It is no more dangerous to the public than any other rat. Newbury District Council’s animal and pet control manager, Mr Dave Archer, said the council were responsible for the control of 25 per cent of the super rats, now being administered, anti-coagulants. Of those farms, one per cent, mainly in the north of the district had son of super rat.
A former president of the British Pest Control Association, Mr Peter Bateman, said no-one knew exactly why the rat had made its home in Berkshire. “It could only happen if only one type of rodenticide is used, but some rats develop the resistance genetically.”
May 28, 2009
“THE number one change will be housing,” West Berkshire Council chief executive Nick Carter says. “There will be a lot more people living in and around Newbury, and consequently a much greater demand for services.
“We will see a lot of new development, both housing and commercial, over the next few years. The town will look more modern, but not at the expense of the historic parts of the town – developments will largely be on sites that the town wants to see developed.
“It is far more about refreshing the tired parts of the town.”
To start with, that has meant Park Way. The new development of 64 shops, 187 homes and a 750-space underground car park will open in the autumn next year.
Moving beyond 2010, a list of other sites is also to be given the makeover treatment.
First up is a plan to redesign The Wharf. An arts pavilion is to be built north of the canal in Victoria Park.
A confidential scoping report will be presented to councillors at tonight’s executive meeting, confirming that the Greenham Common Trust has now agreed to fund the project, and Mr Carter expects a planning application to be submitted by the end of the year.
Further down the line, two canal basins will be opened up south of the canal, allowing narrowboats to moor beside the library and a new inn and restaurant.
It will, Mr Carter believes, be the “unique selling point” for Newbury.
“There will be no real movement on this until Park Way finishes, but there will be an opportunity from 2011 to do something on that site. “After Park Way finishes, we want to leave the town for a couple of years, and see Park Way settle down.”