Ashford Hill Primary School receives Incyte International platinum excellence in safeguarding award
A rural primary school has been presented with an award that recognises its excellence in safeguarding.
Ashford Hill Primary School has met the criteria to be awarded with an Incyte International platinum excellence in safeguarding award.
The award followed an in-depth audit evaluating 21 areas of the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures to measure up to the safeguarding demands of the Ofsted framework and beyond.
A quote taken from Incyte’s report stated: “Ashford Hill is rigorous in its approach to safeguarding. A strong sense of team work is evident throughout the school.
“All are united in one aim which is to secure the best outcomes for pupils in their care. To this end safeguarding arrangements are now strong.
“Staff receive good quality training that ensures everyone is kept up to date with all safeguarding issues.
“They are knowledgeable of the robust procedures that are in place for reporting any concerns. Safeguarding is extremely well led and managed.
“Pupils say they feel safe and know who to go to if they have a problem. The school prides itself on being ‘a friendly and inclusive community’ and this is certainly the case.
“Equality, diversity and inclusion are promoted constantly. Staff lead by example and there is a harmonious atmosphere throughout the school.”
Ashford Hill principal Kirsty Kingham said: “I am extremely proud of the dedication and hard work all staff have shown to contribute towards us achieving this prestigious award.”