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West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge

Seeing double? A new road sign has been installed in Newbury while its predecessor can still be seen peeking through the undergrowth.

A new sign for Barn Crescent was placed on the pavement at the road’s southern junction with Elizabeth Avenue just a few feet forward from the original sign.

West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge
West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge

Many Wash Commoners were baffled by this choice when it was discovered last month, wondering why the council didn’t just cut back the hedge to reveal the first sign.

West Berkshire Council has now released the cost of the replacement sign.

Following an Freedom of Information request submitted by newburytoday, the council stated that the new sign cost £208.25.

West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge
West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge

However, the local authority also explained that the hedge which now covers the previous sign is privately owned, preventing it from being able to cut it back to reveal the original sign to road users.

A council spokesperson said: “The old sign will prove very difficult to remove without irreparably damaging this privately-owned hedge (it would have to be dug out) so the new sign was placed closer to the roadside to prevent West Berkshire Council damaging the hedge in the process of removal.

“Even if we were to cut it back all we would achieve would be, as below, a road sign which is not visible for anyone coming up Elizabeth Avenue and turning right.”

West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge
West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge

Some Wash Commoners poked fun at the doppelganger sign when it was first discovered back in April.

Commenting on Facebook, Geoff Addis said: “I guess that the sign will move again in a few years’ time following further growth of [the] hedge.”

Wandy Morgan said: “We laughed about this when it was done. We live on Barn Crescent and that corner is ridiculous. You can’t walk on the path.”

West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge
West Berkshire Council reveals cost of installing second Barn Crescent road sign after original hidden by private overgrown hedge

Others were more frustrated that taxpayers’ money was used to install the new marker for Barn Crescent.

Linda Susan Ling said: “I’ve reported it. Surely the occupier of the property is responsible for cutting their hedge?

“It would have been a lot cheaper to send them a letter and ask them to do it than either cut the hedge or put an extra sign up.

“And if they don’t do it, send them a bill for the council cutting it. Why should we all pay?”

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