"To the splendour of their devotion and courage we owe all that we are and all we yet shall be" - the armistice is celebrated in 1918
Old Memories Revived: A look back at the NWN archives
There were street parties across the UK to celebrate the coronation of George VI on May 12, 1937.
This picture is of the party in Russell Road, Newbury. George ascended the throne after his elder brother Edward VIII
abdicated so that he could marry divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson.
George and his wife Elizabeth were the parents of the current monarch, Elizabeth II.
150 years ago - November 26, 1868
On Saturday night last, the house of Mr William Reeves, yeoman, of Woodcott, Hants, was broken into and several articles stolen therefrom, including a great coat.
The house was entered by the cellar window, which was forced open by a chisel.
A very savage dog was stationed near the house, and the only surprise is that he did not make a noise.
The police have some clue to the parties, and hopes are entertained that they will detect the guilty person.
125 years ago - November 23, 1893
The change in the ownership of the Aldermaston Estate has naturally resulted in the removal of Mr and Mrs Higford and family, who go to a new home at Hartsfield, Betchworth, Surrey.
This splendid property was purchased in 1848 by Mr DHD Burr, who resided here until his death in 1885, when he was succeeded by his son, who had assumed the name of Higford some years previously.
Mr Higford abstained from active participation in public affairs, preferring the life of a quiet country squire, his fine estate providing him with ample opportunities for indulging in his favourite sports – shooting and fishing.
The tenants have found in him a liberal landlord, and Mrs Higford has always been particularly good to the sick and poor of the village.
Parting gifts have been presented to many of the parishioners by Mr & Mrs Higford, who will be followed to their new home by the unanimous good wishes of all who knew them.
100 years ago - November 21, 1918
The processionists grouped around the Victoria Statue, the tank being drawn up close by. Mounting to the top, the mayor was acclaimed vociferously.
Addressing the crowd, his worship said “Two months ago I was appealing from a tank to my fellow townsmen for
subscriptions to carry on and win the war.
“Tonight I am speaking under different circumstances, for we have won the war (great cheering).
“It is only right that we should meet here to celebrate the most glorious event in the whole history of England.
“For over four years the world has been oppressed and over-shadowed by the great war, but the armistice, signed last Monday, marks the end of the war, and the complete and overwhelming triumph of right over might.
“It is not the final treaty of peace, but it means the end of slaughter and suffering, it removes the burden of anxiety from millions of hearts, and it means that Germany as a fighting force is down and out (cheers).
“You all know that for the last 40 years the daily toast at the German officers’ mess in barracks and battleship has been ‘to the day’.
“The day is here and I say it with all reverence, thank God it is England that celebrates it, seeing that the war found us totally unprepared, and the magnitude of our blunders proved how little we understood the art of war, but while the Old Contemptibles fought and died to hold in check the German hordes, our young men, both at home and in our overseas dominions, left the bench, the desk and the counter for the camp, and our women went into the munition works.
“After four years of agony and effort our glorious sailors and soldiers have endured to the end and we are saved, but on this day of rejoicing there will be one thought in every heart and home, the thought of the dead who won for us this victory by their sacrifice (hear, hear).
“To our soldiers and sailors, and those of our allies, the living and the dead, our hearts go out in love and gratitude for to the splendour of their devotion and courage we owe all that we are and all we yet shall be (cheers)."
The National Anthem was then sung by the vast crowd with great heartiness, followed with cheers for the Navy and Army.
50 years ago - November 21, 1968
A warning to householders to be on the look-out for bogus antique dealers who may call on them has been issued this week by Newbury Police.
“Bogus antique dealers have visited one or two premises in the area and if people do get visits from this type we would like to know,” said a police spokesman.
Mrs Edric Knapton was at home when two men called at the Old Craven Arms, Inkpen, claiming to be antique dealers from Brighton who were interested in buying old brass.
“It was all very mysterious,” she said afterwards. “They gave us a large card that looked as it if might have been the back of an old Christmas card with stencilled letters on it, one word being spelt wrongly.
“One of the men scribbled a Hove telephone number on the card.
“But the Hove exchange is now extinct – they are all Brighton numbers.”
Another telephone number on the card also proved to be fictitious.
After initially asking for old brass they offered cash for antique silver.
Mrs Knapton told them she could not sell anything without her husband’s permission and they said they would come back later when he was home. They didn’t return.
“I think they guessed we thought they were phoney,” she said. “Unfortunately we were not able to get the number of their car when they finally left.”
The police had shown her photographs of men, but she was unable to identify any of them.
25 years ago - November 25, 1993
Goalkeep Bruce Grobbelaar, of once-mighty Liverpool FC, was in Newbury on Monday – to lend a helping hand to an old friend.
Managing director of Dovetail Employment Agency, Mr John O’Brien, needed a celebrity to open his new office in the Broadway.
His thoughts turned to an old comrade from his army days who had since made a name for himself.
Mr O’Brien and Grobbelaar served together 15 years ago in the Leader Training Unit in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.
Grobbelaar, officially opening the employment agency, said “It’s a long time since I’ve seen John, but I know he can lead people to further his business.”
Dovetail finds jobs for people in a number of areas of work and also offers child care for working parents.
Grobbelaar added “John is helping people to get back to work and providing a service for mothers with young children, which is absolutely superb.”
Asked about Liverpool’s shaky start to the season, Grobbelaar said he was sure the side could challenge for a place in Europe next year, but he admitted the side had lost the consistency of the glory days of the 80s.