British Veterinary Association warns pet owners to be aware of winter hazards, including toxic grit, that can make animals sick
Pet owners are being urged to be vigilant to cold weather hazards that could make their animals seriously ill as large parts of the country continue to be covered by ice and freezing temperatures.
The British Veterinary Association is issuing a warning to those with dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs to be alert to the dangers the current cold snap may cause as temperatures plummet.
Toxic grit and poisonous anti freeze are among the dangers the BVA is most concerned about as it appeals to those with animals to take extra measures to protect them from harm.
While dogs still need exercise during cold spells, alongside putting coats on older animals or those with thin fur, walkers should pay particular attention to anything harmful their animal may encounter on route.
Paws and tummies should be wiped well on returning home to remove any ice or salt they've collected while paw-pads should be checked for cracks or redness between the toes. Grit and rock salt, warns the BVA, can be 'extremely toxic' to dogs and cats if eaten so its crucial to make sure it's not brought back indoors where they might be tempted to clean themselves and lick it from their fur.
Dr Karlien Heyrman, head of pets at Pets at Home, adds that dog owners can also use a hair dryer on their pooches if they wish to ensure they've being dried thoroughly after being cleaned up on coming back home.
She advises: "It’s safe to use a hairdryer on a cool or warm setting if your dog enjoys it – just make sure to avoid their face, especially their eyes."
Antifreeze is also very poisonous, particularly for cats, which the felines can find in scattered de-icing products discarded on the ice and sometimes in ornamental water features where undiluted antifreeze is used to protect pumps from freezing.
British Veterinary Association senior vice president Justine Shotton said: "Antifreeze is a huge hazard for cats, so contact your vet immediately if you see signs of poisoning such as vomiting, depression, lack of coordination, seizures and difficulty breathing.
"Rabbits and guinea pigs are also vulnerable to hypothermia despite their warm coats, so owners should take steps to ensure any outdoor hutches are well protected from the snow, cold draughts and winter rain.
"If you have any concerns about your pet in this cold weather, please consult your local vet for advice."
Other cold weather tips include:
* Providing shelters that are free from draughts
* Line beds with extra blankets when temperatures drop
* Consider keeping older cats indoors during cold snaps while making sure healthy, young cats have easy access to shelter and warmth
* Hutches or runs should be in a sheltered position, away from wind, rain and snow, and at least 10cm off the ground. They can be lined with newspaper extra hay and covered an old duvet, blanket or tarpaulin.
* Rabbits need a temperature between 10ºC and 20ºC (with the lower end accounting for healthy rabbits kept with others and lots of bedding for warmth) and guinea pigs 5ºC to 20ºC, avoiding significant fluctuations in temperature. If the weather becomes very severe families should consider moving smaller outdoor pets inside.
* Check outdoor water bottles, bowls and troughs regularly to ensure they're not frozen over
The Met Office says freezing temperatures and wintry showers are expected to remain over the UK this week with numerous weather warnings in place.
While western areas may see an end to the cold snap by this weekend when rain is forecast to replace frost and snow showers in many areas, the cold air is likely to hang on for longer across eastern and south-eastern parts of the UK with sharp overnight frosts.