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Twenty five police officers deployed in Newbury drugs raid this morning (Fri)

Twenty-five police officers searched five properties in Hutton Close, Newbury, at around 10am today following reports of anti-social behaviour in recent weeks.
Neighbourhood inspector for Newbury and Hungerford, John Donachy, said that so far four people had been arrested on suspicion of intent to supply drugs after sufficient quantities were found inside the properties.
He said: "The reason we contracted these warrants, and arrested people today, is because dealing with illegal drugs is not only illegal but is also damaging to the community and encourages other people to commit crime in order to pay for drugs.
"So far, today has been a success, but this is just the start of the investigation.
"We will be dealing with the people arrested today in custody, and charges may follow.
"The long term goal... we are aiming to reduce anti-social behaviour in the area.
"Our local police will be conducting police patrols over the weekend to reassure local residents."
Ward member for Victoria at West Berkshire Council, which covers Hutton Close, Roger Hunneman (Lib Dem) said: "Today's operation shows that when the police are supplied with information from the community they do take effective action.
"I urge residents to engage with the police to make sure that they are made aware of any activities that people have concerns about.
"I very much hope that after today's action by the police that the recent levels of antisocial behaviour in the area will be greatly reduced."
The search is on-going.

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