Victoria Park Nursery is outstanding, says Ofsted
Ofsted visited Victoria Park Nursery School and Children’s Centre over two days in September and found it to be exemplary in every category.
The school had improved so much, it had scored higher in every category than at its last inspection in 2010.
The only area of suggested improvement was that the school could strengthen links between the assessment of children’s learning and the setting of their next-step targets.
Lead inspector David Curtis said: “Children make outstanding progress in the three key areas of communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development.
They thrive in a rich, exciting and stimulating setting, both indoors and outdoors.”
“Nursery staff have an excellent understanding of how young children learn. Children benefit enormously from the support they receive from their key person. Staff are highly skilled in supporting children with special educational needs and those who speak English as an additional language.”
Headteacher Fiona Bridger-Wilkinson said: “We are delighted by this fantastic report. It recognises the skill and commitment of the staff and the positive learning benefits this reaps for the children.”
West Berkshire’s executive member for children and young people, Irene Neill (Con, Aldermaston), said that the plaudits were well deserved.