Burghfield May Fayre returns with ABBA tribute band, funfair and family fun
Burghfield May Fayre was back with a blast at the weekend.
After months of planning, at least 2,000 people visited the fayre at Burghfield Hatch on Sunday from 10am to 4pm.
Burghfield resident David Godwin has been involved with the organising committee for 15 years.
These include: Anderson Hill Day Centre, 1st Burghfield Rainbows, Bucket Wish (Make a Wish), Mrs Blands PTA, Christmas Hampers, Garlands School, The Burghfield Charities, Together in Mission, Sophie and Emma Eltze, Mortimer and Burghfield Toy Library, St Mary’s Church Burghfield, Five a Day Market, Burghfield St Mary's School, 2402 Burghfield Squadron Air Training Centre, Army Cadets 13 Burghfield Army Cadet Force, Burghfield and Mortimer Handybus, James Trust (1st Burghfield and Sulhamstead Scout Group Explorer) and Burghfield and Mortimer Toy Library at Mortimer Methodist Church.
The total sum raised is still being calculated. Work will shortly begin on next year’s edition.