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Pangbourne Valley Playgroup celebrates second 'Good' Ofsted

Pangbourne Valley Playgroup, located within the grounds of Pangbourne Primary School, is celebrating its second consecutive Ofsted success following an inspection in March and its first 'Good' inspection in 2017.

The charity-run playgroup for two- to five-year-olds was previously told it 'required improvement' after an inspection in 2016. But it has since taken steps to improve across all categories, as exemplified by its latest glowing report.

The inspector's report, published on Monday, April 3, marked the school as 'good' in all categories and commended staff for providing "a nurturing environment, where children feel safe and secure".

Pangbourne Valley Playgroup receives 'Good' rating
Pangbourne Valley Playgroup receives 'Good' rating

"We are really happy with the Ofsted outcome," said manager Emma Carney, part of the playgroup since 2015.

"We are pleased our hard work has paid off and been noticed by the families of our playgroup, as well as by Ofsted.

"There has been a lot of uncertainty and change we have had to manage with Covid and updates to early years guidance with regards to teaching and learning."

Points for improvement noted in the report include support staff being able to "plan more precisely for individual children's learning needs when children of mixed ages and abilities are grouped together" and to "review the daily routines to give children more time to become fully engaged in their self-chosen play".

"The main thing was about ensuring the children were challenged and that's what we've been trying to work on," added Mrs Carney.

"We were given some really helpful ideas by our inspector on how we can improve our practice, which we have already started to implement."

Staff are currently looking to acquire pedal bikes to give children further opportunities when using the refurbished outdoor play area and garden.

The Great Easter Duck Hunt is on!
The Great Easter Duck Hunt is on!

The playgroup is also holding its Great Duck Hunt over the Easter holidays to fundraise towards replacing its existing facilities. Participants can spot numbered ducks hidden around the village and fill in an answer sheet, on sale at Garlands Organic, Little Labels and Rhubarb Tree in Pangbourne.

Completed forms can be posted to the playgroup (Kennedy Drive, Pangbourne, RG8 7LB) by Monday, April 17, for the chance to win a prize.

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