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Kintbury Pre-school rated ‘inadequate’ by watchdog

A VILLAGE pre-school has been branded inadequate by education watchdog Ofsted.

During a previous visit by inspectors, in March 2019, Kintbury Pre-school was rated ‘good’.


The new report was published this month, December.

It acknowledges: “Since the last inspection, the provider has experienced a period of organisational change, including challenges that have affected staffing arrangements.”

The report also states that “staff develop caring relationships with children” and that they “offer children reassurance when needed, including those who are new to the setting”.

However, it goes on: “The poor quality of teaching and the lack of a well-designed curriculum affects children's overall enjoyment.

“Staff have a poor understanding of the areas of learning they teach.

“At times, staff sit complacently to one side or are overly intrusive, which disrupts children’s play.”

The report acknowledges: “Parents speak positively about the setting; they feel well informed about the activities children take part in through online information and also daily discussions.”

However, it adds: “Weakness in how staff assess children’s progress and plan for this, means parents do not get an accurate picture of children’s learning overall.”

Overall, the pre-school was rated inadequate in each of the main categories; quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

The report concludes by outlining suggestions for improvement.

A spokesperson for the school said: “We would like to express our dismay at the result we received.

“We experienced a very difficult 12 months, facing many challenges and hurdles which we have overcome.

“We had a change in staffing in September and after working through our concerns found, we felt we were in a good place for a positive result from Ofsted.

“However the points raised on the inspection, only two were discussed at the feedback meeting after the inspection.

“The other point we find unfair as the children's assessments were not even looked at by the inspector.”

One of the points that were failed on was due to nerves from a staff member, that were very quickly noticed.

“We have taken the precaution and ensured all staff have redone their safeguarding training.

“The staff have six monthly supervisions which are recorded and kept on file.”

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