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Thatcham school celebrates complete makeover of its outdoor learning area

A Thatcham school is celebrating the new look of its outdoor learning area.

Two volunteer groups visited Spurcroft Primary School during the May half-term to repair and restore the area.

Spurcroft staff and pupils standing in their restored Outdoor Learning Area
Spurcroft staff and pupils standing in their restored Outdoor Learning Area

The first group arrived on Saturday, May 25, from the 2nd Thatcham Scout Group.

More than 18 Scouts and their leaders worked to sand down, repair, paint and weed along the fence line, while a smaller team emptied the Art Shed ready for it to be refitted as a Reading Shed.

Finally, they tidied the cycle area by sweeping the sand and relaying the tyres for a trackway.

2nd Thatcham Thor Scout Troop. Credit: Louise Doe
2nd Thatcham Thor Scout Troop. Credit: Louise Doe

As it was a warm day, the Scouts were very grateful for the ice lollies supplied by headteacher Kate Flowerdew.

And a second team of more than 16 volunteers arrived from Vodafone Logistics on May 30.

They repaired and felt roofed the Construction Shed, before relocating and wood staining it.

They also removed a large bush and recycled the branches to fill the Bug Hotel, along with tubes, pots and bedding.

Vodafone Logistic Volunteer Team. Credit: Louise Doe
Vodafone Logistic Volunteer Team. Credit: Louise Doe

There was plenty of other scrubbing, washing, cleaning and sorting to keep them occupied at the Mud Kitchen, Sand Pit and Sensory Pathway.

And then, following on from the Scouts’ work, they painted inside the Reading Shed and stained the outside, before fitting this with carpet, cushions and book racks – complete with books.

After relocating the bush, a smaller team weeded and planted several tyres containing herbs, fruits and flowers.

“The team were happy for a constant flow of biscuits, tea and coffee throughout the day from the Early Years Team,” said nursery teaching assistant Louise Doe.

“Vodafone also rounded off the day by donating an amazing £250 to be spent on toys and resources for the new play space.

“Many of the above tasks would not have been achievable without the support of our wider community.”

Many parents donated plants, compost, gravel, sand, toys, wind chimes, art supplies, tents and more.

The school also wishes to thank Dulux Paints Store in Newbury for donating £250 of outdoor paints and tools, and Wicks in Newbury for donating £100 of brushes, sponges and other tools.

Thatcham Garden Centre also donated a selection of herbs and flowering plants for the sensory area, while Pinnock Brothers donated several reclaimed sleepers for the new Gravel Pit.

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