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What’s on in West Berkshire this week


Book club, Wash Common Library, Glendale Avenue, 7.40pm.

The book this month is The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Copies of the book are available from the library.

Newbury’s Christmas lights will be switched on this Saturday at 6pm in Market Place
Newbury’s Christmas lights will be switched on this Saturday at 6pm in Market Place


Christmas market and wine tasting, Shalbourne Village Hall, 6pm to 9pm, free.

Quiz night, ACE Space, St Nicholas Road, 7pm to 9.30pm, £5.

Teams of six. There will also be a raffle and auction on the night. Ticket includes nibble and squash. Attendees welcome to bring their own drinks. In aid of the UNHCR Refugee Agency.

The Rokkits concert, Royal British Legion, Pelican Lane, 8.30pm to 11pm.

Rock and roll band playing hits from the 50s and 60s.


Newbury Christmas lights switch on, town centre, 10am to 6pm.

A full day of festive fun starting from 10am with a Christmas market on Northbrook Street, local musicians performing throughout the day, a funfair on Bartholomew Street, Santa’s grotto in Kennet Shopping Centre, Christmas farm in Inches Yard, an indoor craft fair at Corn Exchange and more. Concludes with the light switch on at 6pm in Market Place.

Christmas lights at Basildon Park, November 16 to January 5, 10am to 6pm.

It’s lights, camera, action at Basildon Park as the property plays tribute to classic Christmas films in celebration of its twenty years as a film location. There’ll be lots of trees, garlands and twinkling fairy lights, plus each decorated room will give a nod to a different Christmas movie.

Christmas tasting event, Headley Community Shop, Thornford Road, Headley, 10am to 12.30pm, free.

Christmas market, Shalbourne Village Hall, 10am to 4pm, free.

Country and western dance, Woodlands St Mary Village Hall and Social Bar, School Lane, 7.45pm to 10.45pm, £6.

Vocals from Peter Shaw.


Spring bulb planting, River Walk, 10am.

Newbury Town Council are asking the community to come along and help to plant 800 spring bulbs at River Walk, Trout Walk and Orchardene. Bring a trowel and some gloves if you have them, but if not, there’ll be some on the day you can borrow.


Knit and natter, Wash Common Library, Glendale Avenue, 3pm.

If you haven't got your own knitting project on the go, join us to crete blankets and baby clothes to donate to Knit for Peace.

Patient participation group at AGM, Falkland Surgery, Monks Lane, 7pm.

All patients and staff of the surgery are welcome to attend in person. Please email: falklandppg@gmail.com if you would like to attend. Places are limited.

Newbury Gardeners Association talk, Newtown Village Hall, Newtown Common, 7pm to 9pm, £5.

Antony Powell to deliver a talk called “The Scented Garden”.

Newbury Transport Group meeting, Kennet School, Thatcham, 7.30pm to 10pm, free.

Roger Day will give a presentation titled “Motoring emergencies: a short History of the Automobile Association”. David Canning will also show and talk about some of the transport photographs he and his wife Marion have taken this year. Refreshments and raffle.

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