What's on this week
Newburytoday.co.uk's news and events from West Berkshire and beyond
Thursday, October 13:
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, The Anvil, Basingstoke, 7.45pm. Tel (01256) 844244; www.anvilarts.org.uk
Zero Lubin presents: Burlesque Drawing Extravaganza, Arlington Arts, Snelsmore Common, 8pm. Tickets £12 (includes a glass of wine) (01635) 244246 www.arlingtonarts.co.uk
Bonhams Auctioneers, Balcony Bar, Corn Exchange, 10am to noon. Jewellery valuation day. To book an appointment call (01865) 853654 www.cornexchangenew.com
and Friday, Friend or Foe, Corn Exchange, Newbury, 7.45pm, with Friday matinee 1.30pm. Scamp Theatre and Watford Palace Theatre present Michael Morpurgo's tale of extraordinary friendship set in the Second World War. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
The Newbury Society, URC Hall, Cromwell Place, Newbury, 7.45pm. AGM followed by a talk on The Country Houses of Berkshire by Dr Geoffrey Tyack. Members £1, non-members
£2.50, to include refreshments. Visitors most welcome. Graham Smith (01635) 580356
Newbury Yacht Club, The Royal British Legion Club, Pelican Lane, Newbury, 7.30pm. RNLI v US Coastguard – One Man's Experience of Working with Both by Jo Jo Mains, US Coastguard. RNLI stall with Christmas cards, etc. New members welcome. (01635) 200768
The Curse of Consciousness, Science Oxford Live, St Clements, Oxford, 7.30pm. (01865) 810000 www.scienceoxfordlive.com
Quiz Night, Hungerford Town Football Club, Bullpit Lane, 7.30pm to 10pm. Good atmosphere and bar. Admission £10 per team of 4, plus raffle. This event is raising money for Hungerford Tuesday Burchett Club. Mo Woolford (01488) 683872
St Nicolas Church, Newbury, 1.10pm. Lunchtime organ recital by Roy Woodhams. Admission free, with retiring collection. (01635) 552876 Newbury District Field Club: talk by Vicky Pudner and Lesley Atkinson on The Renewal Project of the River Lambourn. Town Hall, 2.30pm
Friday, October 14:
That'll Be the Day, Wyvern Theatre, Swindon, 7.30pm. Tickets £21.50. Ticket office (01793) 524481 or www.wyverntheatre.org.uk
Silchester Players: Murdered to Death, Silchester Village Hall, Common Road, 7.30pm to 10pm. A hilarious spoof in the best of Agatha Christie traditions. Tickets: £7 Adults and £5 Children. Raising money for Silchester Village Hall extension fund. Beryl Oliver (0118)
Saturday, August 15:
Autumn Orchard Festival, The Vyne, Basingstoke, 11am to 5pm. Celebrate all things autumnal, soak up the vibrant colours, play among the fallen leaves and enjoy apples galore from the organic orchard. Say hello to The Vyne's chickens and bees and pick up gardening tips from the gardens team. Local crafts and produce, vintage tractors, hog roast and cider/ ale tents. Jules Fuller (01256) 883858, jules.fuller@nationaltrust.org.uk
and Sunday, Kingsclere Photo Club Exhibition, Village Club, George St, Kingsclere. Portraits, picture sales and children's competition. Details www.kingsclerephoto.org
The UK Wolf Conservation Trust, Predator to Pet Workshop, Butlers Farm, Beenham, 10am to 2pm. £50 per person, places limited, booking essential. (0118) 971 3330 or www.ukwolf.org
Peacock and Gamble, comedy, New Greenham Arts, 8pm. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
Anthony Strong Trio, The Forge, Basingstoke, 7.45pm. (01256) 844244 www.anvilarts.org.uk
Charity modern jive dance in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, Burghfield Community Sports Association Hall, James Lane, 8pm to midnight. Music will be provided by DJ Bandana Pete, with tombola and silent auction. Tickets £12 until October 14, £15 on the door. Juliet 07809 412284/Fiona 07825 706263.
Gospel Greats, Corn Exchange, Newbury, 7.45pm. Featuring the London Community Gospel Choir. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
to 25, various dates. Guy Fawkes Festival, The Vyne, Basingstoke, 11am to 5pm. Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. Join local schools and children's groups as they compete for first place. The Guys will be displayed around the gardens. Closed Fridays, normal admission applies. Jules Fuller, (01256) 883858, jules.fuller@nationaltrust.org.uk
Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers, The Anvil, Basingstoke, 7.30pm. (01256) 844244 www.anvilarts.org.uk
Autumn Fair, Fairclose Day Centre, Newtown Road, 10am to noon. Many stalls, bric-a-brac, white elephant and nearly new and a raffle. 50p entrance charge which includes tea, coffee or a soft drink. This event is raising money for Parkinson's UK Newbury branch. Mary Hansford (01635) 869532
Live music event, Moorside youth centre, Urquart road, Thatcham, 7pm to 10pm. Local bands A Different Perspective, The Jammin Dodgers, The mini band, Shift, Hyrulean Soldiers. A facebook event page can be found on; facebook.com/avexcellence. Fundraiser for Save the Children foundation. Stewart Pearce 07786 704087
Charity concert, United Reformed Church, Cromwell Place, 7.30pm to 10pm. Enjoy a wonderful evening of music with Natalie Hyde (classical soprano) and The Basingstoke Hospital Orpheus Male Voice Choir. Tickets £8. This event is raising money for Alzheimer's Society West Berkshire. Jill Radford (01635) 47840
West Berkshire Ramblers, meet in the public car park at Hurstbourne Tarrant, grid ref SU385529 (entrance opposite the church), 10am. Walk to Doles Farm, Windmill Hill Down, Ibthorpe and the Test Way, about 8 miles. Leader Lyn G, tel (01672) 513294
Be a Chorister for a Day, open afternoon with the world famous Winchester Cathedral Boy Choristers, 1.45pm Open to any boy aged six to10. Free event but places limited. Contact The Pilgrim's School (01962) 854189, info@pilgrims-school.co.uk
Sunday, October 16:
Sunday Funday at Newbury Library – a fantastic free day of fun and learning for all the community. More than 35 activities to try including arts and crafts, limbo, Egyptian hieroglyphs, sports and circus skills. Also see performances by Bangers and Mash Theatre Company, The
Jammin Dodgers, The Mini Band, The Willows School, West Berkshire Maestros, The Willink School and Trinity School. 10am to 4pm. An optional extra this year is to dress up as your favourite book character, there are no prizes but it will add to the fun of the day, so Harry Potter's, Winnie the Witches, fairies and pirates are all welcome too. Newbury Library (01635) 519900, newburylibrary@westberks.gov.uk
An Audience with Peter Alliss, Wyvern Theatre, Swindon, 7.30pm. Tickets £21. (01793) 524481 or www.wyverntheatre.org.uk
Aldermaston Concert Centre, The William Penney Theatre, 3pm. Electronic organ and keyboard concert with Kevin Grunill. Ample free car parking, bar and restaurant open from noon, interval tea and biscuits plus raffle, £6.50 at the door no membership required. Sylvia Bowsher (0118) 971 2220 or Gerry Prince on (0118) 983 5010
An Audience with Pam Ayres, The Anvil, Basingstoke, 7pm. (01256) 844244 www.anvilarts.org.uk
Westridge Studio, Star Lane, Highclere, 3pm. Jenny Broome presents Moods and Sonatas for the Harp. Entrance and refreshments: members/students £7, associates £9. Booking essential (01635) 253322
Heroes at Highclere, Highclere Castle. A celebration of the courage and hard work of our Armed Forces together with an estimated 10,000 people who will be helping us raise lots of money for several army-related charities. The event will be an action packed First World War themed day full of exhibitions, special guests from the successful Downton Abbey drama, amazing air/ground displays, vintage cars, the Kings Troop and the Royal Horse Artillery. There will also be an exclusive tour of the castle. The charities involved include: the Army Benevolent Fund: The Soldier's Charity, Royal British Legion, Help for Heroes and the Florence Nightingale Foundation. Smaller charities like the Army Medical Museum and Cancer Trust will also be able to benefit from monies raised. Tickets available from www.cornexchangenew.com (01635) 522733 www.highclerecastle.co.uk
Art at the Town Hall. Newbury Town Council invites you to view the work of Susan Line, who works in acrylic and encaustic wax. Her encaustic artwork is unusual and excitingly different. Drop in to the Town Hall to meet Sue and enjoy her work.
West Berkshire Ramblers, meet at the car park of the Ibex PH, Chaddleworth, grid ref SU416773, 10am. Leisurely walk via Wooley Farm and Spray Woods. Bring a drink and a
snack, 4 miles. Leader Fred C 07769816429
West Berkshire Ramblers, from the B4009 going north, at Hampstead Norreys, turn right by the bridge over the disused railway and park at the Recreation Ground, grid ref SU527763,
9.30am. route of the walk is to Aldworth and Westridge Green, returning via Ashampstead Green. Lunch will be at the Bell PH, Aldworth, or bring a picnic. 9.7miles. Leader Roy Ba (01635) 40720
Monday, October 17:
Newbury and District Gardeners Association, St Nicholas School, Link Road, 7.15pm. Begonias by John Paulding. Visitors £2
to 22, Progress Theatre, The Mount, Christchurch Road, Reading, 7.45pm. Blackbird by David Harrower, winner of the 2007 Laurence Olivier award for Best New Play. (0118) 960 6060 www.readingarts.com
UK Wolf Conservation Trust Student Seminar, UK Wolf Conservation Trust, Butlers Farm,
Beenham, 11am to 4pm. This is the first seminar to be held at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust especially for college and university students. Speakers include Carter Niemeyer, Vladimir Bologov, Pete Haswell, Garry Marvin and Troy Bennett. Bring a packed lunch, £20 per person, advance booking essential on (0118) 971 3330 www.ukwolf.org
Tuesday, October 18:
to 29, Sister Act, New Theatre, Oxford. 0844 871 3020 www.newtheatreoxford.org.uk
West Berkshire Ramblers, meet in the recreation ground car park Pangbourne (turn right before the Toll Bridge), grid ref SU637766, 10am. Walk along the Thames tow path, Pangbourne College and Tidmarsh, 6.25miles. Leader Joan C (01235) 835618
Richard Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier, Screen One, Corn Exchange, 7pm. Recorded in 2009 at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. German with English subtitles. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
Wednesday, October 19:
Music Beyond Mainstream: Tindersticks, The Anvil, Basingstoke, 8pm. (01256) 844244
Little Bulb theatre Operation Greenfield, a bizarre and visually fantastical exploration of music, faith and friendship, at New Greenham Arts, 8pm. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
An Audience with Tim Brooke- Taylor, Corn Exchange, Newbury, 7.45pm. The one-time Goodie in conversation with Chris Serle. (01635) 522733 www.cornexchangenew.com
Astronomy for Beginners with the Newbury Astronomical Society, St. Mary's Church Hall, Greenham, 7pm. Short entry level talks suitable for all ages and observing with society telescopes if clear. Steve Harris (01635) 860047.
RENEWAL Community Project, Riverside Community Centre, Rosemoor Gardens, Turnpike, 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Otter talk from Environment Agency otter expert, Graham Scholey. Free admission. Lesley Atkinson (0118) 930 5335
Parent and Toddler Group, St Nicolas Church Hall, West Mills, 10am to 11.15am. Crèche upstairs talks for parents downstairs. This session includes a talk on Newbury's history. Tessa Roots (01635) 600618