When are the bank holidays in 2023 in England and when is the extra bank holiday Monday for the coronation?
The month of May will enjoy an additional bank holiday in 2023 to encourage the nation to celebrate the King's coronation.
An extra day off on May 8 will take the number of public holidays in the month to three – but when are all the other bank holidays in 2023?
Many in the UK will start the year with an extra day off work thanks to New Year's Day falling on a Sunday, just like Christmas Day the week before.
It means that Monday, January 2 will also become a public holiday in the UK – a day the government describes as a 'New Year's Day substitute day'.
A few extra days to tuck into those chocolate eggs and spend time with friends and family are always welcome and the long Easter weekend brings two bank holidays in quick succession.
Good Friday takes place on April 7, 2023, followed by Easter Monday on April 10, 2023.
Things start to get very busy in May – with two bank holidays becoming three to mark the King's coronation.
The Early May bank holiday – or May Day – will take place on Monday, May 1, while the Spring bank holiday, which is traditionally held on the last Monday of the month, falls in 2023 on Monday, May 29.
But May 2023 will hold some extra significance as the month chosen for the ceremony to crown our new monarch.
King Charles III's coronation is set to take place on Saturday, May 6 at Westminster Abbey and has prompted the declaration of a three day weekend by Downing Street to celebrate.
Monday, May 8 has been added to the 2023 calendar to enable community celebrations around the country to continue. But, in line with Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, the bank holiday is a one-off and won't feature in calendars after next year.
It's the August bank holiday Monday that we're often all keen to watch weather forecasts for, as families attempt to squeeze the last few drops from summer before the autumn and the new school year just days later.
Barbecues and beach trips at the ready for Monday, August 28, 2023 which is the date of the summer bank holiday and the last official bank holiday Monday of the year.
There will be a long Christmas weekend for many in 2023 with Christmas Day and Boxing Day falling on a Monday and Tuesday.
With Christmas Eve taking place on Sunday, December 24, those fortunate enough to be able to take time off could enjoy a longer spell off work thanks to the Christmas bank holidays that immediately follow the weekend.
Christmas Day on a Monday will also therefore make New Year's Day, January 1, 2024 a Monday too, giving households a three-day weekend to see in 2024!