Women's group looks to set up second branch
Woolton Hill's National Women's Register membership soars
WOOLTON Hill’s National Women’s Register has proved so popular that it is considering starting a second group.
The social group for women meets twice a month at a different member’s home for an evening of themed discussion, presentations and activities.
At the March meeting, Macmillan nurse Madeleine Jenkins gave a demonstration of therapeutic hand massage, which the group were then able to try out for themselves.
Woolton Hill group member Nicole Bentham said: “It was a brilliant evening. It was very successful and everyone enjoyed themselves.”
The group sometimes travels further afield, with trips including a behind-the-scenes visit to the Royal Opera House, a tour of the Wallace Collection, London, while last October there was a mini-break to Tewkesbury, following the trail of Capability Brown.
The Woolton Hill group was founded nine years ago by Angie Maxwell, who was a member of the Bracknell group before she moved to the area and wanted something local.
It started with 12 members and numbers have continued to grow.
At present there are 20 members, with more women interested in joining.
Any more members may make meeting in private homes difficult, so in September another local branch will be opened.
Mrs Bentham said: “It keeps the brain cells going. Nearly all of our members are retired, but that was not the point of the National Women’s Register.
“We struggle to get younger people now. Not that they are not welcome, but that they are too busy.
“There is a lot of fun and laughing involved and they are a hugely supportive group.”
While there is a skeleton schedule of activities for the year, member input is encouraged.
Mrs Bentham said: “We feel this year we need to branch out.”
The next meeting on May 17 will have a short demonstration on the theme ‘signs and gestures’.
The National Women’s Register was started in the 1960s to connect women who were not expected to return to work after having children and were feeling isolated at home.
Today, the group appeals to women of all ages and spans the world with groups in the UK, Europe, Africa and Australia.