Working from home at the moment?
Send us your pictures of your current working environment and help us spread a little light-hearted fun during this difficult time
Like thousands of people across the district many of us at the Newbury Weekly News are now working from home.
We will still be bringing you all the latest news and updates, as and when they happen, but we are just doing it from different places now.
And while we appreciate that we all need to be kept informed of the latest developments in the Coronavirus pandemic, it can't help to enjoy something a little more light-hearted at the moment.
So, if you are working from home today send us pictures of your new office environment. Email me at or send them to our social media pages on Instagram or Facebook.
And of any pets, like those of our photographer Phil pictured in the main photo, that may be keeping you company and stopping you missing your work colleagues too much.
What are the pros and cons of working out of the office for the foreseeable future? More tea and biscuits available at home? Is your broadband connectivity and phone reception good enough to cope though?
Luckily many of us, nowadays, can work from home, but we know this isn't the case for many and we are thinking of all of those emergency services, NHS and shop workers who are having to continue as normal.
We know we are an important source of information for all of our loyal readers and followers during this difficult time,but please be reassured that wherever we are based, we will still be working.
We will ensure we keep you all up-to-date as much as we can, so please keep an eye on Newburytoday and all of our social media channels for regular stories.