Donnington Grove presentation evening
On Friday, 22nd April, Donnington Grove Golf Club held its 2021 presentation evening.
It was a night to celebrate the club's achievements on and off the fairway.
It was an opportunity for 2020-21 club captains, Ali and Steve Lillywhite, to present Newbury Cancer Care with the money raised during their tenure.
Dave Ormrod from Newbury Cancer Care was in attendance at the cheese and wine evening and was presented with a cheque for £26,962.03.
Some of that money has already been put to good use with the purchase of two cuddle beds for the hospital's rainbow rooms.
The donation was especially impressive when one consider's that fundraising was made that much more challenging due to the Covid pandemic.
It was made possible thanks to the tireless dedication and generosity of Donnington Grove's members.
The 2022 charities are West Berks Foodbank and Macmillan Cancer Support.