Mr Malthouse, the crime and policing minister, was one of 211 Tory MPs who gave their backing to the Prime Minister.
A consultation has been launched on plans to build 200 new homes in Kingsclere.
Horris Hill School will be expanding its offer to families from September as it welcomes pre-school aged children into a brand-new nursery.
What must have been the entire village of Kingsclere lined its streets on Saturday as the village held a special jubilee parade.
The replacement will cost £150,000.
A local car retailer is celebrating after being crowned Dealer Group of the Year in a prestigious national award ceremony.
Hundreds of villagers got into the Jubilee spirit as they turned out for a morning of shopping and competitions at the Woolton Hill village market.
West Berkshire Council has abandoned its plans to build flats on the old Faraday Road football pitch.
Prince Philip in a tractor, Boris Johnson on a zipline and the Queen riding a horse through a hedge are just some of the scarecrows on show.
Ashford Hill with Headley Parish Council has objected to plans to build a handful of new homes over a tree nursery.
The report focuses on the care and residential experience of pupils, most of whom board at the school.
John Francis 'Jack' Carter, 96, died on March 30 this year, while Stanley Roy Nash, known as Roy, also 96, died on April 27.
The Chase has been closed while the managers try to track down the owner of stray cows.
He rode 4,493 winners over a 50-year career.
Frustrations have been raised after the paper and cardboard recycling facilities at the Fieldgate Centre were removed by the borough council.
The Woolton Hill village market is promising some “right royal fun” as it gears up for its jubilee edition.
The death is not being treated as suspicious.
The store had been on the site since the 1960s.
The exhibition has toured the USA widely, but until this year had never been seen outside America.
Side Glance was bred by Emma Balding, mother of Andrew Balding, and successfully raced for Sheikh Fahad of Qatar.