Despite blue skies in large parts of the county today the Met Office says the area is in for some blustery weather as we reach the middle of autumn.
Thousands of pounds in unclaimed cash is said to be sat waiting for teenagers given Child Trust Funds at birth that were then forgotten about.
The most popular baby names in England and Wales have been released and for the first time in eight years the most chosen boys' name has changed.
Children face an increased risk of catching a deadly disease, and outbreaks are more likely, say health officials worried about vaccine uptake rates.
Eight million households waiting for a £324 cost of living payment, have now been given further details from the DWP about its arrival this autumn.
An early winter forecast suggests milder temperatures could be on the cards, which would save homes and businesses millions in energy payments.
Poultry experts are warning of 'carnage' if rising bird flu cases, expected to increase rapidly this winter, infect turkey flocks before Christmas.
Thirty million people are being told to get vaccinated amid fears the UK will be hit hard by Covid-19 and flu - but who can get a jab and how?
Operational issues have reportedly slowed down the arrival of cost of living cash but the DWP says it is on track to reach those still waiting.
Millions of paper £20 and £50 notes remain in circulation, says the Bank of England, as the Post Office warns of a last minute rush to deposit them.
From October energy prices are changing but why must households look at their gas and electric meters before the switch?
Gale-force winds and heavy rain will sweep the country on Friday as a result of changes to the jet stream caused by America's Hurricane Ian.
Millions of people are being encouraged to take up offers of flu and Covid jabs amid fears a winter 'twindemic' is about to hit the UK.
Royal Mail has unveiled four new black and white stamps to mark the life of the Queen, which will go on general sale later this year.
Low-income households are set to receive a second cost of living support payment of £324 this autumn but when might the money arrive?
Jupiter is about to come the closest it's been to Earth since 1963 and stargazers are hoping for 'extraordinary' views.
With rail strikes before the London Marathon expected to disrupt travel to the race what options are there for getting into London?
Cash to help every home pay their winter energy bill will soon be on its way but there's a warning for those waiting for the money.
Fat and sugar-laden food and drink may have to be removed from prominent locations in supermarkets next month and here's why.
Argos has named the top 15 items it thinks will dominate Christmas wish lists this year and among them is a £10 dinosaur bath toy.