District council backs plan for mental health rehab care home at Monks Lane site A REHABILITATIVE care facility for people with severe mental disabilities…
The transfer of West Berkshire's CCTV system will be reviewed by the council's overview and scrutiny committee A DATE has been set for a review…
The 18th century door was found by a local resident when he moved into his home five years ago AN 18th century gaol door stolen from outside Newbury's…
Two teenage girls missing since Sunday found in Wiltshire TWO missing 14-year old girls have been found. Abigail Campbell, from Thatcham, and Georgia…
Parts of the new play area are due to be opened on Friday, while it is hoped the new skate park will open next month WORK on a new play area and skate…
They came, they saw, they tore the roof off the Reading venue A bewildering brew of ska, reggae, rock, techno, folk and dub, Dreadzone are such a diverse…
Thatcham girl and her friend last seen yesterday afternoon POLICE are appealing for help following the disappearance of two 14-year old girls. Abigail…
West Berkshire Mencap is hosting the event tonight (Friday) in aid of the Bubble Club A BARN dance to raise money for children with learning disabilities…
West Berkshire Council leader, Graham Jones, has quashed rumours about an office merry-go-round THE leader of West Berkshire Council has quashed speculation…
Priory healthcare apologises to Greenham Parish Council but not to residents near the proposed Monks Lane site PRIORY healthcare has apologised to Greenham…
Ruling party appoints new executive body as council elects new chairman WEST Berkshire Council's executive front bench has undergone a re-shuffle. At…
Specially created mugs bearing the names of the happy couple are being sent to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge BUCKLEBURY has sent one final wedding…
A man exposed part of his body to two young girls in a car park outside of the Co-op in Tilehurst POLICE are trying to track a man who whistled at two…
A group of children from Victoria Park Nursery School visited the Newbury development on Thursday WITH their hard-hats at the ready, a group of children…
Denefield School is set for a £9m refurbishment after West Berkshire Council recently granted planning permission A SCHOOL in Tilehurst is to get a £9…
The walk, which is to raise money for the West Berkshire Rapid Response Cars, will take place at Fishers Farm A BLUEBELL walk is to take place today (Sunday)…
Bellway Homes has submitted a new altered application for the Underwood Road site in Calcot A DERELICT shopping centre site in Calcot, dubbed “little…
Spray Lane is to be closed to vehicles and pedestrians from today (Thursday) SPRAY Lane in Brightwalton is to be closed while emergency repairs are carried…
Dr Mike Rodd will give a talk on the future of the Kennet and Avon Canal at Theale Library on Thursday, May 26 A TALK on the future of the Kennet and…
Resident action group West Berkshire Against the Grundon Incinerator has started the petition on its website AN online petition opposing plans to build…