Footage shows knife-wielding robber holding up a Tilehurst bookmakers VIDEO footage of an armed robbery taking place in a bookmakers shop in Tilehurst…
Bucklebury Parish Council has raised no objection to an area in Upper Bucklebury being named after Kate Middleton BUCKLEBURY Parish Council said it does…
A slice too far? Royal Wedding pizza is latest cash-in attempt ANYONE getting sick to the stomach of tenuous Royal Wedding cash-ins is advised to look…
Storm, a tame peregrine falcon who went missing on Monday, could be on a rooftop in the area RESIDENTS across West Berkshire have been told to look out…
Counterfeit bottles of Australian wine Jacob's Creek have been seized following recent spot checks in premises COUNTERFEIT bottles of best-selling…
Kate and Will commemorative mugs designed by Emma Bridgewater have gone into production WHAT could become one of the most sought after royal wedding mementos…
Enquiry at property in Tilehurst leads to two arrests POLICE closed down a suspected cannabis factory at a property in Tilehurst on Thursday (7). Around…
Children at Bucklebury Primary School have recorded a song entitled 'Celebration Song' as a gift ahead of the wedding CHILDREN from Bucklebury…
Kim Davison has been offered a chance to show her paintings at galleries in the heart of Manhattan AN artist from Theale has wowed critics and gallery…
Comedian cancels Friday gig due to throat infection COMEDIAN Mark Thomas has cancelled his gig at the Corn Exchange Newbury tomorrow night (Friday). The…
A psychiatric home for patients suffering from mental illnesses could be built at land at Newbury Rugby Club A PSYCHIATRIC home for patients who suffer…
A surprise party was held in Speen last week for Michael Pearce, who has retired after 43 years as a postman AFTER delivering a first class service for…
West Berkshire Council is creating two new full-time posts to assist with drainage and flood prevention IT may be shedding jobs to combat a hole in its…
The childhood home of Kate Middleton is to be sold at auction THE childhood home of Kate Middleton, the daughter of a Chapel Row family who is set to…
The names of all the candidates in each ward for the 2011 local elections has been announced THE deadline for prospective politicians to register themselves…
Two lanes of M4 closed following four-car collision A MULTI-vehicle accident has caused gridlock on the M4 this morning (Monday). Two lanes were closed…
Nomination papers for the forthcoming local elections must be lodged by noon on Monday (April 4) TIME is running out for prospective politicians to register…
Signaller Marine Mark Jackson has been awarded the highest ranking of 136 Operational Honours A MARINE from Newbury who dived on top of a colleague to…
Wendy Shaw is to run the Brighton Marathon and the London Marathon dressed up as a dog RESIDENTS spotting a five foot canine jogging around parks across…
Action group to meet in Newbury tonight (Tuesday) to form plan to reverse day centre closures AN ACTION group formed to fight against the closure of five…